Tag Archives: The National Law Journal

Clueless Classes of Millennial Masses

You might have read the story about Columbia Law School letting it’s students postpone exams, the reason is really hard to believe. Because of the personal trauma experienced by the students due to the Grand Jury decisions in both the Brown and Garner cases. Georgetown University Law Center and Harvard Law School have jumped on the band wagon with Columbia, because we have clueless classes full of millennial masses.

William Desmond, one of the editors of the Harvard Law Review, wrote in The National Law Journal in defense of the request, titled “Delaying Exams is not a request from Coddled Millennials.”  As an adult that is exactly what I would call it, an excuse for coddled millennials. He is concerned for “students who have been confronting the aftermath of the recent failed grand jury indictments of the officers who killed the unarmed black men.” He doesn’t bother to explain in what way the grand juries failed, that is how our young people are taught today though, facts should not get in the way of your emotional decisions, they just clutter up your mind. Keep in mind these students are in law school, not liberal arts or gender studies program.

I have to question the type of lawyers these students will be, if as William Desmond says “over the last few weeks many law students have experienced moments of total despair, minutes of inconsolable tears and hours of utter confusion.”  He further continues by stating “I have seen the psychological trauma brought on by disillusionment with our justice system send some law students into a period of depression. After all, every death of an unarmed youth at the hands of law enforcement is a tragedy.”

Where is the concern from these millennials about all of the deaths of unarmed youth at the hands of gangbangers, drug dealers and criminals in places like Chicago, New York or Los Angeles. The number of those deaths pales in comparison to those statistics. I guess the leftist agenda is already well established in these students, so those lives have no value because they were not at the hands of law enforcement, thus no political or social justice value. As a black male I would think Mr. Desmond would be more concerned with those numbers. I would guess after four years at Yale and three at Harvard, he came from money or has seen a lot of affirmative action. Either way, after seven years in the ivory towers I am sure he is well insulated from a life on the streets.

To me the whole article is just a list of excuses, and a good example of the quality of people our education system is indoctrinating. Click the link above to read the whole article.