Tag Archives: tea party

A Different Focus, Current Dangers, Future Crises…

I have tried to look at many different issues from across the political and social spectrum over time. The problem is there are so many important issues facing our society right now, no one person or blog could cover them all and do justice to them. So I have decided for the current and near future I am going to focus on three or four main issues, they are “our 2nd Amendment rights”, “the muslim problem”, “the militarization of the growing police state” and “financial collapse and/or civil unrest”. I want to focus on these issues because they have the potential, at some point in the future (near future), to become actual physical conflicts. There are other issues that could lead us into a physical conflict also, I will touch on them as they will relate to other issues. So much of what is happening in our country is the cause or affect of something else.


Of course I sound like a conspiracy nut when I start talking about physical conflicts on the streets of America. Too many people have convinced themselves that it can’t happen here, not in a million years. Unless things change considerably in the near future (couple of years), I believe that it can and will happen. Even without looking at any specific issues or situations, ask yourself why the federal government has been, and continues to, purchase large amounts of weapons and ammunition. Weapons and ammunition for departments and agencies that have no real need for them, nor any enforcement powers that would allow them to utilize these weapons. Couple that with the sheer volume of military hardware being given to federal, state and local law enforcement agencies under the DOD’s 1033 program. Initially authorized under the NDAA in 1990, the programs scope was strictly authorized as a new tool in the “war on drugs”. The program was expanded considerably a few years later to include material that could be used in “the execution of law enforcement activities”. That’s pretty dam vague isn’t it? Then of course 9/11 and the Patriot Act helped to expand the program and the distribution of even more equipment and weaponry.

Now add into the mix the new Fusion Centers being set up, these centers bring together federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, under one roof. My biggest concern with these centers is how they are being used. Information has come out already that shows that they are more concerned with watching and labeling patriotic Americans as a terrorist threat, then they are concerning true terrorist activity. Their list of dangerous people includes the Tea Party, Oathkeepers, Three Percenters and basically anyone that believes in their Constitutional Rights and Freedoms.

standing army

So far we have not even looked at any real issues, only at the past and present behavior of the federal government. It leaves you questioning and wondering what they are preparing for in the future, near or far. No other administration in our history has felt the need to arm every government agency in the executive branch. Nor have any previous administrations attempted to bring together federal, state and local law enforcement, while at the same time choosing which laws to enforce and which to ignore. At the same time intentionally breaking the laws concerning immigration and the security of our national borders.

I am going to start presenting articles focused primarily around the four issues I listed above. While you are waiting, consider what I have brought up concerning the federal government, and start doing your own research. You may realize I am not as much of a conspiracy nut as I may have first appeared to be.

Three Percent of What? Mr. Government Agent…

I read an article that left me with several questions. I have always thought the purpose of writing an informative news article was to in fact “inform” your readers. The author never seemed to see the basic flaw in the article, or was helping to promote propaganda and negative word association from the government.  The article in question by Chris Eger, is from June 2014 and was posted on Guns.com, here is a link:

Some background is required here or you may not see the flaw either, depending on your level of knowledge concerning history, and current events also. The opening paragraph of the article is as follows:
“The Chicago Police Department, working with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and FBI, has opened the Crime Gun Intelligence Center to crackdown on illegal guns from what they call “three-percenters.”

It continues farther down:
“The target of this Crime Gun Intelligence Center: a group the ATF is referring to as “three-percenters.”

And even farther down in the article:
“It remains constant from year to year that about 40 percent of the crime guns recovered in the City of Chicago come from Illinois, and about 20 percent come from Indiana,” Carl Vasilko, ATF Special Agent in Charge, told WGN. “The core mission of the Crime Gun Center is to identify these shooters, or these ‘three percenters,’ and the traffickers that sell them guns and get them off our streets.”

In all three of these sections of the article they make sure to mention (with emphasis) what they are referring to as Three Percenters”. They cast them in a very evil light, yet they never validate or qualify, if you will, what or who exactly is a “three percenter”. This is not by accident, this was not a simple omission in an article, by where an author later says “oh crap” I forgot to define who or what a “three percenter” is, or what behavior or actions qualifies them to be a “three percenter”.

obama enemy list

This is a simple negative word association game being played by the federal government to give a negative, even criminal connotation to the name “three percenter”. For those of you unfamiliar with the term “three percenter”, you have to travel back to the American revolution. During the American Revolution, the active fighting forces in the field against the crown, never amounted to more than 3% of the population of the colonies.

In today’s society there are different groups of people that refer to themselves as “three percenters”, in reference to the original colonists that were fighting the tyranny of the king. The people in these 3% groups are basically just like Tea Party members, pro-constitution, pro 2nd amendment, etc… Of course the government sees them as a threat, so they are trying to make the negative association through articles such as the one I reference here. If you read the whole article at the link above, no place in there does it says what or why they are using the term “three percenters”. Quite clearly they are trying to build a negative association in the mind of the reader.

Of course the Anti-defamation league and the southern poverty law center have listed the 3%’ers since 2009 and 2010 as a radical right wing organization. But then again the SPLC lists anyone that is even mildly conservative as a radical right wing extremist. They basically are a propaganda organization, nothing more.

It is the state and federal government that bother me with their classification of the 3%’ers as an extremist organization. They know full well that they are spreading outright lies, but this administration is the most dis-honest in American history. The 3%’ers, of which I am a member, have very valid reasons to mistrust our current government, we are all aware of the NSA spying on innocent citizens who simply believe in their constitutional rights and freedoms. There is an old joke that unfortunately is not a joke with this administration, how can you tell obama is lying, his lips are moving. This used to be a joke, but the obama administration is filled with true scumbags and liars, on a scale unprecedented in our history.

3 per

Three Percenters are true Patriots concerned with the present and the future of America. We support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as they are written, not as the liberal scumbags wish to interpret them. We believe in freedom for all Americans and understand that personal responsibility as citizens and fiscal responsibility by the government are two of the key measures needed to bring America back to it’s former glory. We are not anti-government as many wish to portray us, we support the government as a responsible entity, not in it’s current incarnation. The administration hates us as they hate any true American that can see who they really are.

I like most 3%er’s are military veterans, we took an oath, to fight all enemies foreign and domestic, my oath expires with my death, not before. As long as I breath I will bleed for America, for you, your family and your freedom!

Here is a youtube video that will help you understand what a 3%er really is!


Dam Sexist, Racist Tea Partiers Screwed it Up!

Those dam sexist, racist Tea Party and GOP bastards, totally screwed up and nominated Mia Love for the 4th congressional district in Utah, they then screwed it up even worse by supporting her through out her campaign thus allowing her to beat her democratic opponent, Doug Owens. This allows her to become the first Haitian American and first black female Republican ever elected to Congress.

If that wasn’t bad enough then the Tea Party screwed up more and supported Tim Scott, the junior United States Senator for South Carolina a republican, and the first African-American senator from the state of South Carolina, and the first elected from the South since 1881.

The republicans also nominated Shelley Moore Capito the first female Senate candidate to be elected in West Virginia’s history, and the first Republican elected to the Senate from West Virginia in 48 years.

So I can see where the tea Party and the Republicans really screwed up, and accidentally created these historic election results. Since we know from the democrats how sexist and racist they are.

The important question is when are people going to start talking about race and the race relations problems we have in America? I have brought it up on multiple occasions, from different perspectives in hopes that someone would take the first step and start a dialogue. Oh wait, that’s what I did.


In My Lifetime? Fat F**king Chance

**Bad language and Bad attitude Warning**

I have had hope for years that we might be able to find harmony in America in my lifetime. When I see something like this shared online it makes me lose hope and faith in people even more. It makes me angry also, but I already have accepted the fact that the liberals and many of the democrats in our society today are real scumbags. I don’t hear about any death threats against the democrats from the Tea Party or the republicans. So why do we keep hearing about death threats by the democrats and liberals on a regular basis. Almost daily it seems you can find an article from some place around the country where the left threatens to kill or at least maim a supporter on the right.

sarah palin

What the fuck is wrong with these people? It’s politics, it’s an election. Not a gang war on the streets, what kind of little bitches threaten a black Pastor and his family over support of a republican candidate. What kind of pussies break into a church and steal the money being collected to help poor people. What has happened to the left that they find nothing wrong with threatening physical harm over a political agenda? I am guessing it is white people doing this, because if it is black people, they are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. I say this because the democrats have been fucking the black community for 50 years now, if they are willing to put their neck on the line and possibly go to jail for people that are stabbing them in the back like that, they have to be really stupid. I guess it’s all just different levels of stupidity anyways, anyone that makes these threats white or black are just a piece of human waste, the kind that need to be flushed!

mitt romney

Here is the article with a short video (3:16 long) from Pastor Brooks concerning the threats and the theft from the church.

Gov Walker

A piece of shit is a piece of shit, no matter what color, black or white. I don’t know what else to say, I’m sorry for going off like this, but I am sick of these scumbags threatening people when they hide behind a keyboard like a little girl. Come by and see me with your threats, I am a Tea Party member, an NRA member, a veteran and I will be voting conservative across the board.

glenn beckann romneyholly fisherliberal


I’m Confused about this Constitution thingy

I was sitting here daydreaming and I came up with a great idea. Why don’t we write a document that would protect our right to free speech, so you could like tell people about the things you believe in without getting into trouble for it.

And then I thought about taking it a step further and adding in something about being able to have guns for protection and stuff like that. Without having to worry about the government trying to take them away.

Ok so now I am on a roll and I think what the hell, let’s add something that would allow me to practice my religion, and maybe be free of searches by the government for no reason. I thought cool I am really on to something here, awesome!

Then my neighbor tells me we already have just what I am talking about, it’s called the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, I was confused! So I looked him straight in the eye and asked him “if we already got that how come the government doesn’t know anything about it”? He just sat there looking at me cause he had no answer for that. I finally stumped that dam right wing, Tea party, gun lovin Christian, bout dam time!