Tag Archives: radical leftists

To What Depths?

I saw people sharing something on facebook this evening that truly shows to what depths we have fallen as a society. I knew the whole gay agenda crap would bring us to a point like this, once people start to lower their moral standards, others with no moral fiber what-so-ever will keep pushing it further.

What I am speaking of is the fact that you can now send someone a bag of dicks (edible ones), little gummy ones. What kind of sick f**k creates something like this? One that cares about nothing but making a dollar, one that has no proper boundaries or sense of morality obviously.

I know there are people that are going to read this and think, dam dude, lighten up. My answer to them is, dam dude, grow up, develop some real values and morals and try and contribute something real to your country and the future.

Where is my White Privilege?

Where is my White Privilege, or is it a pigment of my Imagination?

I want to know where I sign up for my white privilege, I sure could use the extra help right now. I am out of work on comp after getting hurt on the job. Is there a list of extra benefits due to me as a white person, or do I just develop an entitlement attitude like many in the black community have, and my white privilege will kick in? I wish I had known back in the sixties about my white privilege, I could have used it to stop my parents from getting a divorce. That would have allowed me a better opportunity to grow and develop as a normal child. It might have prevented me from stuttering every other word from the time I started talking until I was in my mid-thirties.

Or I could have engaged it in the mid-seventies to avoid committing criminal acts and ending up in a N.Y. State juvenile facility. Or a couple years later when I quit school and went to work at 16 years old. I could have used that white privilege to get a decent job, instead I worked as a bus boy and a dishwasher. If I would have had a father growing up, he could have instructed me on the proper use of my “whitpriv” my “caucasian persuasion”, my “pigment present”.

Apparently they are teaching the kids in school about white privilege now, I could have used some lessons, it might have helped me later to sidestep the drug and alcohol issues that I experienced. But then again if I had known how to use it I would have missed out on the joys I experienced in the many wonderful jobs I had over time. Jobs such as shoveling horse shit all day, or baling hay, pumping gas, picking vegetables (yes just like a migrant worker), dishwasher again, delivery person (both pizza and parts). I guess my privilege kicked in a little as I got older because I was able to get some really high quality employment then, construction laborer, bathroom and toilet cleaner, the pinnacle of success was my job answering phones all day (getting yelled at by rich people) for just over minimum wage.

The white privilege people say that because I can turn on the television or open the front page to the newspaper and see my my race widely represented, that is proof right there of it’s existence. And I thought it was because my race is the majority population, where is my common sense? Another clear indicator according to the race patrol, is the fact that I can arrange to be in the company of my own race most of the time. The majority of black people chose to live in black neighborhoods, does that give them black privilege? Most people tend to gravitate to areas with people they can identify with, by race, national origin, political agenda and even socioeconomic class. So if black or latino people want to live around other black or latino people it’s normal, but if white people want to, it’s racist.

It pisses me off to find out now in my mid fifties that I could have avoided growing up in poverty and having all of those negative life experiences, had I just engaged my “white privilege”. And apparently I lost my white privilege or it  had an expiration date on it, now that I am aware of it, I looked all over for it and it’s no place to be found. I’m thinking about putting posters up around the neighborhood, with all of the white people around some one must have seen it, hopefully it will be returned unopened and in good working order. I could really use it about now, living under the poverty level like I do.

And then there are the highly respected left wing nut jobs at the “white privilege” conference, we can’t rule out their highly evolved and advanced skill levels at rooting out white privilege in even the darkest corners of society. Fortunately they were able to make us aware of the excessive use of white privilege by Tea Party members. Who they described as having forms of racism ranging from “sort of generic to bald-faced racism”, is bald faced racism something clean shaven men practice?

According to the speaker there the Tea Party doesn’t really support “All this business about government and ‘constitutional’ it is a smokescreen that’s really all about, ‘I want this country back for me.’ And ‘me’ meaning ‘white people’. He even elaborated further on his brilliant summation by “noting that tea party supporters do not like to be called racists, the leftist activist suggested that tea party advocates mostly don’t like obama because obama “broke the white monopoly on the presidency.” Dam how did he figure out the true reason some white people don’t like obama, he broke our perfect record on old white men as president, we were trying for an even fifty. We are starting all over, it’s gonna take us another 200 years now.

And don’t forget the brain trusts he has involved in the question and answer period,a woman asked: “What is, like, an African-American tea party member? How could there be one?”

He said he doesn’t know “how people could do it” but compared black people who support limited government and gun rights to “Jewish kluxers.”

The speaker repeatedly referred to black people as “black folks.” He bizarrely suggested that “black folks” didn’t know about the tea party movement when it began because it wasn’t a topic of discussion “at the barber shop.” He also adamantly suggested that there are “no gay people in the tea party,” and that constitutional government and a free-market economy cannot coexist.

At the beginning of his talk, he had asked audience members to volunteer to speak about themselves.

“I live in the bowels of the tea party, and I have the privilege of teaching your children,” explained one White Privilege Conference attendee — a woman with a Southern accent. I am glad she went into such detail and really explained her position, we can really see where she is coming from and her true concerns.

“I teach at a very elite boarding school,” explained a second woman who said she is from the Boston area. She said the school is “full of tea partiers” who “try to, you know baptize” political opponents. This really surprises me, she happens to teach at the only elite boarding school in all of New England that is not totally liberal, what are the odds of that? And I think I have heard of the baptizing antics of the “Boston Family” of the tea party, run by “whitey”, they outfitted their enemies with rubber shoes didn’t they?

A third woman, from Minnesota, lamented that the Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party is moving “towards what they call the middle” and becoming “welcoming to the needs of independent voters.” As the woman trailed off after “independent voters,” he interjected “…which means tea party,” as a way to label such voters.

A fourth woman said she attended his lecture because her “in-laws get all their news from Fox.” Michael J. Fox is not all that informative, but I guess she has her reasons. Oh, wait, I think she might mean Fox News Channel. I guess the channel her in-laws watch is as good a reason as any to be concerned about white privilege.

At least I think the lecture was about white privilege, it almost sounded more like a bash the tea Party lecture, maybe he was trying to multi-mask…

It’s Almost That Time!

It’s almost that time, time to vote again. Another chance to help affect change in our country, to feel like we are doing our part, our civic duty. This raises the question of “what are civic duties”, or more appropriately “what are our civic duties as an American citizen”? I think the answer you get will differ greatly from person to person, and most of them will be wrong. I make this statement with confidence in it’s validity, having watched many of the videos posted online asking our college students and the average American simple questions about current and past American history or events. An even greater indicator is the actual state of our society.

So what are these “civic duties and responsibilities” I keep going on about here? I know some of you have no idea what I am talking about.

Assuming that you accept the concept that “we the people” have a responsibility to be loyal to our country and our government, and in turn our government has a responsibility to protect our life, liberty, rights and freedoms. It is through this concept that we derive our civic duties and responsibilities, some of our duties come with a legal obligation attached.
Such as:

  • Obeying the Law – This includes traffic laws also.
  • Jury Duty – Everyone I know that has been called for jury duty has done their best to be excused from it. I have been called twice, both times they seated a jury before I was selected, bummed me out, I wanted to serve, it’s one of my civic duties.
  • Paying Taxes – I don’t enjoy paying taxes, but I do understand the need for them. I didn’t appreciate as a Tea Party member the I.R.S combing through my records for political reasons, but that is part of the breakdown I am talking about.
  • Voting – Voting as we all know is not required by law, but it is a duty we have as citizens. Politics affects every second of your life, even as you sleep. Voting is a duty, voting knowledgeably is a responsibility.
  • Military Service – (listening for the uproar) Okay Military Service is not a duty (it is a civic responsibility), I add this because I believe it should be a civic duty. I believe every citizen should serve between 1 and 3 years service to their country. Imagine the rise in high school graduation rates, the drop in crime rates, poverty levels and unemployment levels across the country. We would have a better educated society and one that understands civic duty first hand. My service in the U.S. Navy changed my life for the better.

A civic responsibility is something we do out of a sense of obligation to ourselves and our country. In a truly patriotic society what is considered a civic responsibility is clearly defined and accepted, as it used to be in our society. The liberal agenda coupled with political correctness has distorted and warped many of our American traditions and civic responsibilities. Civic responsibilities, past and present include:

  • Military Service – A once proud tradition for many, it is still considered an honor to serve by the more patriotic Americans.
  • Government Service – Many people work in civil service jobs as a way to feel that they are fulfilling a responsibility to their country. In the past this was more common, but I believe most current government employees have taken the job simply because of the pay and benefits. With a pay rate approximately 30% higher then their civilian counterparts.
  • Politics – The first group of people are those with a very strong sense of civic responsibility, they have pursued becoming a politician to serve the public trust and help to protect our rights and freedoms. (cue derisive laughter)
    The second group are those that have helped by working on a political campaign, feeling that this would be substantial enough to satisfy their sense of responsibility.
    The third group are those that become actively involved in the political process as either an advocate and representative of the people (independent), fighting to protect our rights and freedoms. Or they become an active member of one of the two major political parties, and become part of an agenda and philosophy.

One of the greatest civic responsibilities you could share with others was volunteer work in the community. Americans used to excel at this, more so then any other nation. Through our churches, schools, neighborhood community centers and organized charitable organizations, we gave much in time, money and effort to our favorite charities and causes. Our civic and social (moral) responsibilities were an integral part of our daily lives as individuals and as a community.

Christians and conservatives still do their best to adhere to the tenets and the values that our sense of duty and responsibility spring from. The liberals and democrats have drifted so far from any moral base, that in many democratically controlled cities and towns they have passed laws and regulations prohibiting many charitable actions. They have made it illegal in some places to help house, cloth or even feed homeless people. They either want to make as many people totally dependent on government as possible (look into cloward & piven strategy), or they have no compassion what-so-ever.

Their agenda clearly shows they have abandoned all sense of patriotism and tradition, in doing so I believe they have also sacrificed their morality. I believe they have also sacrificed something even greater, something the value of, they no longer can appreciate. Our traditions and charitable works are built upon this as is our ethics and our morals. What I am speaking of is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the rights and the freedoms that are protected by the rule of law in these documents have allowed us to become a country of tradition and charity.

The liberals and democrats are violating the greatest civic duty and responsibility of all. They refuse to  accept their responsibility to help safeguard and protect our rights and freedoms. Their current agenda seeks to deprive and violate, not protect and promote, they have no problems using lies and deceit, win at all costs. Though we may not understand the end game to which they play. I don’t believe they understand the true consequences of their actions.

Though no one advocates for violence, do they think “we the people” will go quietly if they try to take our freedom of speech, or religion? They need to understand we would use our guns in defense of our rights before we would allow anyone to try and confiscate them. Does the leftist elite think they would somehow be immune to the consequences. The government does not have nearly enough people to take by force that which we will not give up willingly.


Charles Barkley, Barks and Bites

If people like Charles Barkley are considered hero’s in the black community, what if any will the affect be of his statement about some black people being “black enough”. Will it be ignored, ridiculed, written off because of his wealth and position, he must be out of touch with “the hood”.

Here is what he said:

”Unfortunately, as I tell my white friends, we as black people, we’re never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you’re black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people. It’s a dirty, dark secret; I’m glad it’s coming out.”

Barkley said that young black men who do well in school are accused of “acting white” by their peers. “One of the reasons we’re never going to be successful as a whole, because of other black people. And for some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don’t break the law, you’re not a good black person. And it’s a dirty, dark secret.”

“There are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who don’t have success,” he continued. “It’s best to knock a successful black person down because they’re intelligent, they speak well, they do well in school, and they’re successful…”

“We’re the only ethnic group who say, ‘Hey, if you go to jail, it gives you street cred.’ It’s just typical BS that goes on when you’re black, man.”

Does he become an “uncle tom”? For those of you unfamiliar with the term, the urban dictionary defines it as:

  • A term used by black people to insinuate that black people that speak proper English, are mature, have a good job, good education, work ethic and-or if they hang out with white people that makes you a sell out.
  • A black man who will do anything to stay in good standing with “the white man” including betray his own people.
  • A black person that is a white man’s bitch.

If we judge by the trend in music and movies popular in the black community since the 1980’s, his statement seems to be dead on accurate. The glorifying of the thug life, drug dealing and use, misogyny on a grand scale. He speaks of the victimization of the black community, by the black community. Obviously if a white person said the same thing that Charles Barkley did, the response from the main stream media and the black community would be swift and vicious.

Consider the statistics, what they mean, the root cause and most importantly the short and long terms affects on the black community.

  • 72% of black children are born into a single parent family.
  • High school graduation rates for black males vary between 53% and 69% depending on the particular study you read.
  • Incarceration rates of black versus white, the figures varied so widely here I could not cite a specific percentage accurately. The numbers appear to be agenda driven in many cases, though it is clearly higher for black males.

Contrast what Charles Barkley said with the numbers and it is easy to believe a certain amount of what he said is quite true. Other black community leaders have made statements also in the past concerning the causes of the break down in the black community. They have been similar in nature and scope, pointing to the overall attitude of many in the black community. So Charles Barkley is not alone in his sentiments, though he is in a minority in this.

I have made a statement before, as have others, about many of the problems in the black community, can only be solved within the community. Parents must put more importance on education, monitor their children’s homework and it’s completion, and promote educational goals.

Most importantly (and most studies support this conclusion) is the break down of the family unit. This is an issue in the white community also, but appears to be much more prevalent in the black community. The cause is not one single issue, but multiple issues, many feeding on each other. Poverty is a problem in itself, it feeds into low self-esteem, lack of goals or dreams for the future, depression, etc…

What does it do to a young black child that hears day after day growing up, that they can never be anybody, their life will always be what they see in “the hood”. I can’t understand what it would be like, but I can understand the compound effect of not having a father figure, and the lack of family and community support in creating a future for yourself. I grew up without a father in my life, but I had family and community support pushing me towards getting an education. I saw those around me achieving goals, it allowed me the opportunity to see that opportunities were there.

Being white I can’t even guess what many in the black community go through. I do know what it was like growing up with out a father, and no goals, no dreams and hopes. I became a juvenile delinquent, dropped out of school, did the petty criminal thing, the drugs and alcohol. As I got older the messages I got as a youth slowly kicked in and I straightened out my life. What if I never received those positive messages as a kid, I would have nothing to build my life on later, as I grew mentally and emotionally.

So many people are trying to create division between the races. This only makes it harder for us to talk about a subject that seems to be taboo to begin with. Until both the black and white communities can be honest with themselves and each other, nothing will change. There are many in the white community that would like to help the black community. They can’t until the black community stops acting as a community and starts seeing itself as families and individuals. Each with different ideas and goals and dreams. Until everyone stops talking about color and starts talking about community, one community, too many dreams will remain missing and shattered.

I’m sorry if I rambled on so much on this, I have always felt passionate about this subject. For 30 or so years I have seen this problem as one of individuals, not as black and white. Over that time I have also seen the two communities drift father apart. I don’t have any solutions to offer, but to say without dialogue we will continue to drift even farther apart.

Now it’s Civil rights violation

The verdict is in on the George Zimmerman trial, and the fist thing the NAACP does is call for the DOJ to press charges for civil rights violation against Zimmerman because the verdict was not what they wanted. Where are they on pressing charges against all the people in Chicago that have killed young black kids? I guess their lives don’t matter because they were killed by other black people! I guess it’s only a real crime if a white person killed them! When are we going to have a real life real time discussion on the issue? It really pisses me off that the media and many in society feel that I can’t care about the lives of young children in many of the urban centers of this country because their skin color and mine are not the same! With each day I become more disgusted with the people known as Americans!

Methods of Madness

We are hearing loud choruses of liberals screaming about gun control once again. This will continue every time some tragedy happens involving guns. The fact that the perpetrator had mental health issues and stole the guns seems to be facts they completely gloss right over.

Lets get away from guns for a minute and look at what I believe was the worst mass murder at a school in U.S. history.

His name was Andrew Kehoe, he lived in Bath, MI. He was a farmer, school board member and town clerk, an up standing citizen you would think by all accounts. That did not stop him from using explosives on May 18, 1927 to kill 38 school children and 6 adults, including himself. He spent months planning and planting dynamite in the school building, he even killed his wife and started their farm on fire as a diversion.

I am not going to go into a lot of detail about his story here because it is all available online. I bring this up to illustrate the point that mental illness is the biggest issue with these murderers.

If a person decides to kill, I would guess they then decide on a method for their madness. I doubt someone just picks up a gun and says to them self  “gee, I think I will go kill some people”. My guess would be that once they have decided to kill they then consider the easiest way to do this.

In Adam Lanza’s case I would say it is clear that he was mentally unstable, he would have to be to kill his own mother. If the weapons he took illegally were not available he would have found another method.

I would like to ask when we are going to deal with the real issues, mental health care in America. But I already know that the left does not want to go down that road, so they won’t have a real discussion on the issue. They (the left) have an agenda of dis-arming the American people, the headlines in any main stream media outlet proves that to be true.

What I find to be really sad is everyday in many urban areas in America young black kids die through gun violence. Where is the left on that issue, I guess it doesn’t fit their narrative on gun control. They can’t exploit that so easily because it is many times gang members killing gang members. That scenario does not play on peoples sympathies so well. Are those lives any less important?

Our lack of concern for dealing with the real issues that create both situations will only allow it to continue. So if the left wants to have a real discussion on gun control, I say let us have one. But make sure we talk about everything that contributes to gun violence, not just what fits an agenda.