Tag Archives: racial issues

Some Black Lives Matter!

I am sure by now everyone in America has heard about the ignorance of these protestors for the “black lives matter” group. The main stream media has made sure that they have coverage of these protestors interrupting a political rally for both Bernie Sanders and Jeb Bush. The message they have for the candidates for president in 2016 is ” that they want police violence and racial disparities in policing to be acknowledged and addressed “. They supposedly wanted to disrupt a campaign event held on Tuesday in New Hampshire for Hillary Clinton, they arrived too late to gain entrance to the event they stated, though they did meet with the candidate after the event.

I would be more willing to believe that they were not allowed entrance to the event by mutual agreement beforehand, the reason for their denial into the event was room capacity had been reached. They even went as far as having the Secret Service verify that as being the reason, the fact that they went to those lengths to point it out throws doubt on it in my opinion. They were allowed to meet with the candidate afterwards in what was referred to as an overflow room. The media was not allowed to record the meeting, which is strange also, because both sides would have wanted to take advantage of the controlled situation and try to score some points with the media and the public. I believe everything was scripted here to obtain the maximum exposure while releasing the minimum amount of information.
You can read the full article here concerning their meeting: Hillary and Black Lives Matter activists meet in private.

A spokesperson/activist from Black Lives Matter told the press later “We asked the secretary about her and her family’s history with the war on drugs both at home and abroad and how she felt about her involvement in that violence that has been perpetuated, especially against communities of color and against black folks.” Yancey, the spokesperson for Black Lives Matter, added that she never heard “a reflection on her part in perpetuating white supremacist violence.”

Another clear reason a candidate would want the meeting reported in the news media, they would want to address allegations like those immediately and decisively in a public forum.
Black Lives Matter, at that point accused Hillary of ” involvement in the violence that has been perpetuated, especially against communities of color and against black folks.”  They also appear to have labeled her as ” perpetuating white supremacist violence.”

You see, if Hillary Clinton doesn’t address the statement made by Black Lives Matter, both sides win. Black Lives Matter wins, because they are seen as asking the tough no holds barred questions of the candidate. And Hillary wins because by not addressing it publicly, she appears to accept her role in these supposed crimes against the black community, her silence also helps her to appear repentant in the matter. As I stated above, I am more inclined to believe that the whole thing was scripted from start to finish, this allowed both parties to project a certain image in the situation. Yet if you notice, there was no information released by either side that has any basis in reality, such as specifics concerning violence by police, or incarceration rates for young black males. If nothing is presented, nothing can be questioned or fact checked.

I veered some from my original intentions of the article when I realized that something was wrong as reported. Under normal circumstances both Hillary (as a presidential candidate) and the Black Lives Matter group would have been fighting for press time and to score some political points.

In the next post I will cover the issues presented by the tactics and strategy  of the group Black Lives Matter.

“because i’m white”

“because i’m white” is my new blog I am going to be working on along with this one. The new blog is dedicated to trying to get people involved in talking about race relations in America. As most of you probably know, the state of race relations really sucks in our country right now. The first step is to get people thinking about it, this is my attempt at step one.


Branching Out

I have decided I am going to launch a new blog that I feel there is an absolute need for, and it is long overdue also. The blog will be centered around the language that we hear from most of the political left, and from the many influential voices in the black community.

Many black and white people are given a pass by the main stream media for racist comments, attitudes and sometimes outright lies. They are given this pass because they are democrats or liberals and share the same agenda as the media does. The media insists that it is not biased, yet refuse to call out many black people on obviously racist comments, simply because they are black. They seem to apply similar standards to most of the political left in general.

Conservatives are held to a totally different standard though by most in the regular media, if not for alternative media the truth of what many conservatives say would not even be heard. I have been saying for many years that we need to have more dialogue on race relations. I have even tried different times on facebook and on other blogs to initiate dialogue, with little to no success. It is time someone brings to the fore front what is actually said and by whom, and keeps people, black and white, accountable for their words.

Has to be a Hate Crime!

Of course since the man is black and he was found hung and it’s in Miss, it has to be a hate crime right! If it was a white guy only the local police would probably be investigating, and thinking possible suicide. Instead the investigation involves the FBI, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the United States Attorney’s office, and the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation. It’s almost as though they knew about it in advance, to be able to mobilize so quickly. Hmmm…

“We are calling on federal authorities to immediately investigate the hanging death of Mr. Otis Byrd to determine whether or not his death is the result of a hate crime,” Derrick Johnson, the President of the NAACP Mississippi State Conference said in a statement.

It doesn’t matter how horrid of a hate crime a black person does to a white person, it never gets called a hate crime. Yet they found this gentleman and in less then 24 hours time it’s assumed to be a hate crime and has all of those agencies involved, that quick. The local authorities should be the only ones investigating, like a normal investigation, then if they find a reason, call in other agencies as appropriate to assist. The administration and the MSM are probably foaming at the mouth hoping this is a hate crime, so they can push the “how racist America is” argument they push at every turn, even when there is no proof of racism.

54 year old Otis Byrd

54 year old Otis Byrd

His death is sad either way, I hope it’s not a hate crime, because the race hustlers and scumbags will be out in record time, trying to use it for their own benefit. They will have no respect for his family or him and cheapen everything about it just to gain as much as they can and cause as much division as possible!



Where is my White Privilege?

Where is my White Privilege, or is it a pigment of my Imagination?

I want to know where I sign up for my white privilege, I sure could use the extra help right now. I am out of work on comp after getting hurt on the job. Is there a list of extra benefits due to me as a white person, or do I just develop an entitlement attitude like many in the black community have, and my white privilege will kick in? I wish I had known back in the sixties about my white privilege, I could have used it to stop my parents from getting a divorce. That would have allowed me a better opportunity to grow and develop as a normal child. It might have prevented me from stuttering every other word from the time I started talking until I was in my mid-thirties.

Or I could have engaged it in the mid-seventies to avoid committing criminal acts and ending up in a N.Y. State juvenile facility. Or a couple years later when I quit school and went to work at 16 years old. I could have used that white privilege to get a decent job, instead I worked as a bus boy and a dishwasher. If I would have had a father growing up, he could have instructed me on the proper use of my “whitpriv” my “caucasian persuasion”, my “pigment present”.

Apparently they are teaching the kids in school about white privilege now, I could have used some lessons, it might have helped me later to sidestep the drug and alcohol issues that I experienced. But then again if I had known how to use it I would have missed out on the joys I experienced in the many wonderful jobs I had over time. Jobs such as shoveling horse shit all day, or baling hay, pumping gas, picking vegetables (yes just like a migrant worker), dishwasher again, delivery person (both pizza and parts). I guess my privilege kicked in a little as I got older because I was able to get some really high quality employment then, construction laborer, bathroom and toilet cleaner, the pinnacle of success was my job answering phones all day (getting yelled at by rich people) for just over minimum wage.

The white privilege people say that because I can turn on the television or open the front page to the newspaper and see my my race widely represented, that is proof right there of it’s existence. And I thought it was because my race is the majority population, where is my common sense? Another clear indicator according to the race patrol, is the fact that I can arrange to be in the company of my own race most of the time. The majority of black people chose to live in black neighborhoods, does that give them black privilege? Most people tend to gravitate to areas with people they can identify with, by race, national origin, political agenda and even socioeconomic class. So if black or latino people want to live around other black or latino people it’s normal, but if white people want to, it’s racist.

It pisses me off to find out now in my mid fifties that I could have avoided growing up in poverty and having all of those negative life experiences, had I just engaged my “white privilege”. And apparently I lost my white privilege or it  had an expiration date on it, now that I am aware of it, I looked all over for it and it’s no place to be found. I’m thinking about putting posters up around the neighborhood, with all of the white people around some one must have seen it, hopefully it will be returned unopened and in good working order. I could really use it about now, living under the poverty level like I do.

And then there are the highly respected left wing nut jobs at the “white privilege” conference, we can’t rule out their highly evolved and advanced skill levels at rooting out white privilege in even the darkest corners of society. Fortunately they were able to make us aware of the excessive use of white privilege by Tea Party members. Who they described as having forms of racism ranging from “sort of generic to bald-faced racism”, is bald faced racism something clean shaven men practice?

According to the speaker there the Tea Party doesn’t really support “All this business about government and ‘constitutional’ it is a smokescreen that’s really all about, ‘I want this country back for me.’ And ‘me’ meaning ‘white people’. He even elaborated further on his brilliant summation by “noting that tea party supporters do not like to be called racists, the leftist activist suggested that tea party advocates mostly don’t like obama because obama “broke the white monopoly on the presidency.” Dam how did he figure out the true reason some white people don’t like obama, he broke our perfect record on old white men as president, we were trying for an even fifty. We are starting all over, it’s gonna take us another 200 years now.

And don’t forget the brain trusts he has involved in the question and answer period,a woman asked: “What is, like, an African-American tea party member? How could there be one?”

He said he doesn’t know “how people could do it” but compared black people who support limited government and gun rights to “Jewish kluxers.”

The speaker repeatedly referred to black people as “black folks.” He bizarrely suggested that “black folks” didn’t know about the tea party movement when it began because it wasn’t a topic of discussion “at the barber shop.” He also adamantly suggested that there are “no gay people in the tea party,” and that constitutional government and a free-market economy cannot coexist.

At the beginning of his talk, he had asked audience members to volunteer to speak about themselves.

“I live in the bowels of the tea party, and I have the privilege of teaching your children,” explained one White Privilege Conference attendee — a woman with a Southern accent. I am glad she went into such detail and really explained her position, we can really see where she is coming from and her true concerns.

“I teach at a very elite boarding school,” explained a second woman who said she is from the Boston area. She said the school is “full of tea partiers” who “try to, you know baptize” political opponents. This really surprises me, she happens to teach at the only elite boarding school in all of New England that is not totally liberal, what are the odds of that? And I think I have heard of the baptizing antics of the “Boston Family” of the tea party, run by “whitey”, they outfitted their enemies with rubber shoes didn’t they?

A third woman, from Minnesota, lamented that the Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party is moving “towards what they call the middle” and becoming “welcoming to the needs of independent voters.” As the woman trailed off after “independent voters,” he interjected “…which means tea party,” as a way to label such voters.

A fourth woman said she attended his lecture because her “in-laws get all their news from Fox.” Michael J. Fox is not all that informative, but I guess she has her reasons. Oh, wait, I think she might mean Fox News Channel. I guess the channel her in-laws watch is as good a reason as any to be concerned about white privilege.

At least I think the lecture was about white privilege, it almost sounded more like a bash the tea Party lecture, maybe he was trying to multi-mask…

The Atomic Face Palm

I am sure I will sound racist, because you can’t bring up race issues without being a racist if you are white. But I just can’t believe sometimes the things I read that liberals think and actually say out loud. Some liberals are complaining because in a majority black neighborhood, police are stopping more black people then white people. Police are actually searching more black people then white people in a majority black neighborhood.

This is totally unfair, I think we should start busing in more white criminals, as we did with the schools years ago, to achieve a greater balance. We can even streamline the process and have the bus go directly to the local police precinct, once there the police can figure out what tickets or charges would most benefit the statistics and act accordingly to create more of a balance in these neighborhoods.

I have to stop myself from reading what the liberals have to say, between face-palming and beating my head against the wall, my head is starting to hurt all the time. There is an upside, the cat stopped reading over my shoulder, even she was amazed by the liberal stupidity and she can’t even read, but she threw out a paw from face-pawing, so she won’t read that crap anymore

Feline Face Paw-mmm

Feline Face Paw-mmm

Clueless Classes of Millennial Masses

You might have read the story about Columbia Law School letting it’s students postpone exams, the reason is really hard to believe. Because of the personal trauma experienced by the students due to the Grand Jury decisions in both the Brown and Garner cases. Georgetown University Law Center and Harvard Law School have jumped on the band wagon with Columbia, because we have clueless classes full of millennial masses.

William Desmond, one of the editors of the Harvard Law Review, wrote in The National Law Journal in defense of the request, titled “Delaying Exams is not a request from Coddled Millennials.”  As an adult that is exactly what I would call it, an excuse for coddled millennials. He is concerned for “students who have been confronting the aftermath of the recent failed grand jury indictments of the officers who killed the unarmed black men.” He doesn’t bother to explain in what way the grand juries failed, that is how our young people are taught today though, facts should not get in the way of your emotional decisions, they just clutter up your mind. Keep in mind these students are in law school, not liberal arts or gender studies program.

I have to question the type of lawyers these students will be, if as William Desmond says “over the last few weeks many law students have experienced moments of total despair, minutes of inconsolable tears and hours of utter confusion.”  He further continues by stating “I have seen the psychological trauma brought on by disillusionment with our justice system send some law students into a period of depression. After all, every death of an unarmed youth at the hands of law enforcement is a tragedy.”

Where is the concern from these millennials about all of the deaths of unarmed youth at the hands of gangbangers, drug dealers and criminals in places like Chicago, New York or Los Angeles. The number of those deaths pales in comparison to those statistics. I guess the leftist agenda is already well established in these students, so those lives have no value because they were not at the hands of law enforcement, thus no political or social justice value. As a black male I would think Mr. Desmond would be more concerned with those numbers. I would guess after four years at Yale and three at Harvard, he came from money or has seen a lot of affirmative action. Either way, after seven years in the ivory towers I am sure he is well insulated from a life on the streets.

To me the whole article is just a list of excuses, and a good example of the quality of people our education system is indoctrinating. Click the link above to read the whole article.


Oliver Twist(ed) Friedfeld’s Story!

Bad Language Warning: Because this pisses me the fuck off beyond belief! I couldn’t believe this was a real story at first!

What the fuck is wrong with this Oliver Twist(ed) Friedfeld moron? And he may be part of our government someday. Though the government is already filled with the same level of stupidity exhibited by this Oliver Twist(ed) fool. He deserved to get robbed because of his privilege, he says he believes that those with privilege should just adapt to crime. This time his assailants were not violent, what of the many who are mugged and beaten, or raped, stabbed or shot in the commission of a crime of this nature? What the fuck is wrong with this guy?


Not once did he consider their attackers to be bad people. “They wanted my stuff, not me. While I don’t know what exactly they needed the money for, I do know that I’ve never once had to think about going out on a Saturday night to mug people. I had never before seen a gun, let alone known where to get one.” I don’t know who or what decides who is privileged or not privileged or at what level privilege kicks in. But it is quite clear that this individual is completely clueless to the reality that many of us live, and the sorrow and pain many families experience because violent crime has taken a loved one away from them.

He can hardly blame his assailants because of income inequality, and some bullshit of otherization. They were two criminals that robbed him and his room mate at gunpoint. But it’s not their fault that they are the garbage of society, it’s the wrongs of the past, according to Oliver Twist(ed). He doesn’t, like all liberal morons mention any specific wrongs of the past that need addressing. But these wrongs are clearly having an effect on these poor gun toting young men of high moral fiber, who’s investment in the local crack house did not pay off with any dividends this quarter. Thus forcing them to create a temporary level of privilege for themselves, based on someone else’s hard work and effort.

Apparently this Oliver twist-ed has wealthy parents or family, this has allowed  him to live a life of privilege. One that has afforded him all the comforts of life, and an education most can only dream of. An education that clearly has taught him nothing of the real world, yet through the School of Foreign Service he may someday be a member of the State Department, possibly in control of important decisions concerning our country. I have to assume that it is his privilege that has gotten him to this point in his life, it certainly is not his grasp on reality, he has none. I am guessing he has never gotten off of his over privileged ass and done a day of work in his life, he clearly has no idea that someone in his family had to earn the money that he is coasting through life on.

He trots out the old income inequality excuse for the two scumbags that robbed him.  How fucking clueless is this guy? Who makes excuses for the criminal, especially criminals that commit armed robbery. This just really pisses me off, what kind of schools and teachers do we have in our country at all levels of the education system if we are turning out complete morons and idiots like this. Someone could have been injured or even died during the robbery if things had gone differently.

This is a big part of what is wrong with America, we have people telling us that all white people are racists because of privilege (white privilege), just by virtue of birth. We have liberals like this idiot Oliver twist-ed telling us that some people because of their social and or financial privilege should not expect to have the same protections or rights the Constitution and the Bill of Rights guarantees the rest of us. Even more disturbing is the idea that criminals are not responsible for their own behavior, but some perceived wrong from the past is the real culprit. So we should do what? Grant to the criminal element in our society special rights to make them a privileged class, based on some yet unstated past wrongs the liberals all agree exist yet cannot to this day ever seem to make an actual list of.

I know this sounds totally ridiculous and insane, but to me this whole story from Oliver twist-ed sounds that way. After reading it multiple times I still can’t grasp that this is a true story, it sounds like a script for a TV show more then reality. The worst part of it all is there are way to many clueless liberals and morons in our society, that don’t seem to grasp reality. If you try to rob me at gun point or break into my house I am going to shoot you, plain and fucking simple, that is all the reality you need to grasp. You won’t be the first one to take a shot at me, but I will do my best to make sure it is your last shot, ever. How do you expect someone to respond if you are threatening their life or their family?

I still cannot grasp the reality here, that reality being where our country and society are headed. It’s not even about the number of people that have fallen victim to the liberal garbage corrupting our society. It’s the fact that they can spread this garbage so easily through their control of the education system, both primary and secondary. That is what is making their agenda so effective is the total control, common core is an extension of that agenda. Why do you think they (the liberals and democrats) are pushing so hard for universal preschool, an earlier start to the indoctrination of our children. How do you think the system is turning out morons that believe they deserved to be a victim.

Why do you think common core and total control is so important to them. They know with time and control of the circumstances they can eventually teach kids to give up their Constitutional Rights and Freedoms voluntarily, without a fight or shot ever being fired. This may seem like a story of just another clueless moron not grasping the reality many of us face in life. But look at the underlying cause and effect that the education system probably played here.

And yes privilege did and does play a role here, but not in the manor you think. Many of the people that end up running our country and our government, come from families of wealth and privilege. Many of these people already have a distorted sense of reality because of their life of privilege and how it shelters them from a normal daily life in America. If they can influence the future leaders and people in government, it is a much smaller group that they need to focus on. With exclusive and Ivy League schools attended primarily by the people they most wish to influence, consider where this could eventually lead us. And see why they need these schools to be the bastions of liberalism they have become.

Consider what we can learn from this story, as fucked up as it is.

Let Them Say it Better!

I was working on an article about the Ferguson riots, I decided to share these two videos instead, they say a lot of things that really need to be said. They are more of an expert on the black community then I am.

Here is a black guy named Charles R. Patrick, he has something to say…


charles patrick

Here is a really pissed off black guy named Jonathan Gentry, he says “shut up black people, I’m going to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear”.


jon gentryI have stated in the past that the majority of the problems and the issues in the black community can only be solved by the black community. I know there are black people that see the reality of the situation, I’m glad some of them are starting to speak out. They may be ignored and called uncle Tom’s at first, if enough speak out and start calling it like it is, maybe some real changes can be initiated.

Here is a little humor, that makes a point about the situation also…

Did you hear about the method the police found to break up the riots and protests in Ferguson, apparently it works very effectively, they are dropping job applications on them from helicopters…

ferguson shoppingferguson gun to headlooters

Three Percent of What? Mr. Government Agent…

I read an article that left me with several questions. I have always thought the purpose of writing an informative news article was to in fact “inform” your readers. The author never seemed to see the basic flaw in the article, or was helping to promote propaganda and negative word association from the government.  The article in question by Chris Eger, is from June 2014 and was posted on Guns.com, here is a link:

Some background is required here or you may not see the flaw either, depending on your level of knowledge concerning history, and current events also. The opening paragraph of the article is as follows:
“The Chicago Police Department, working with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and FBI, has opened the Crime Gun Intelligence Center to crackdown on illegal guns from what they call “three-percenters.”

It continues farther down:
“The target of this Crime Gun Intelligence Center: a group the ATF is referring to as “three-percenters.”

And even farther down in the article:
“It remains constant from year to year that about 40 percent of the crime guns recovered in the City of Chicago come from Illinois, and about 20 percent come from Indiana,” Carl Vasilko, ATF Special Agent in Charge, told WGN. “The core mission of the Crime Gun Center is to identify these shooters, or these ‘three percenters,’ and the traffickers that sell them guns and get them off our streets.”

In all three of these sections of the article they make sure to mention (with emphasis) what they are referring to as Three Percenters”. They cast them in a very evil light, yet they never validate or qualify, if you will, what or who exactly is a “three percenter”. This is not by accident, this was not a simple omission in an article, by where an author later says “oh crap” I forgot to define who or what a “three percenter” is, or what behavior or actions qualifies them to be a “three percenter”.

obama enemy list

This is a simple negative word association game being played by the federal government to give a negative, even criminal connotation to the name “three percenter”. For those of you unfamiliar with the term “three percenter”, you have to travel back to the American revolution. During the American Revolution, the active fighting forces in the field against the crown, never amounted to more than 3% of the population of the colonies.

In today’s society there are different groups of people that refer to themselves as “three percenters”, in reference to the original colonists that were fighting the tyranny of the king. The people in these 3% groups are basically just like Tea Party members, pro-constitution, pro 2nd amendment, etc… Of course the government sees them as a threat, so they are trying to make the negative association through articles such as the one I reference here. If you read the whole article at the link above, no place in there does it says what or why they are using the term “three percenters”. Quite clearly they are trying to build a negative association in the mind of the reader.

Of course the Anti-defamation league and the southern poverty law center have listed the 3%’ers since 2009 and 2010 as a radical right wing organization. But then again the SPLC lists anyone that is even mildly conservative as a radical right wing extremist. They basically are a propaganda organization, nothing more.

It is the state and federal government that bother me with their classification of the 3%’ers as an extremist organization. They know full well that they are spreading outright lies, but this administration is the most dis-honest in American history. The 3%’ers, of which I am a member, have very valid reasons to mistrust our current government, we are all aware of the NSA spying on innocent citizens who simply believe in their constitutional rights and freedoms. There is an old joke that unfortunately is not a joke with this administration, how can you tell obama is lying, his lips are moving. This used to be a joke, but the obama administration is filled with true scumbags and liars, on a scale unprecedented in our history.

3 per

Three Percenters are true Patriots concerned with the present and the future of America. We support the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as they are written, not as the liberal scumbags wish to interpret them. We believe in freedom for all Americans and understand that personal responsibility as citizens and fiscal responsibility by the government are two of the key measures needed to bring America back to it’s former glory. We are not anti-government as many wish to portray us, we support the government as a responsible entity, not in it’s current incarnation. The administration hates us as they hate any true American that can see who they really are.

I like most 3%er’s are military veterans, we took an oath, to fight all enemies foreign and domestic, my oath expires with my death, not before. As long as I breath I will bleed for America, for you, your family and your freedom!

Here is a youtube video that will help you understand what a 3%er really is!