Tag Archives: politics

The Propaganda Machine Needs repairing

I know, I know, you are wondering why I seem to be wasting time on something like this when there are so many more important things going on in our country. And I understand, but exposing how the democrats constantly use propaganda on the no and low information voters is important also. I am going to share this post that is circulating around the web from “occupy democrats”, and break it down a little. I’m not a big fan of the republicans, but I will give them a little credit, they don’t seem to reach the lows the democrats do. Well let’s jump in here and see what we’ve got. Here is the photo from occupy demonrats, oops I mean democrats, sorry.

Propaganda at Work

Propaganda at Work

Let us start with the top section of this lovely info-graphic and see where it leads us. You won’t need to pack a lunch, this won’t take long.

Hopple Street Bridge

Hopple Street Bridge

I would guess from the “last night” part this was created and posted on January 20, 2015. This is the Hopple Street bridge overpass in Cincinnati, Oh, that spans over I-75. What occupy democrats (and the democratic party in general) try to create here is an emotional response when tied in with the phrase further down the picture. What they fail to mention is that this bridge was no longer in service and was in the process of being demolished. A new bridge was already in service, and the collapse was contractor error and had nothing to do with any politics from either party.
From Cincinnati.com –18 Months Later, The Hopple St. Bridge Collapse

Now when you add the next section of the picture it implies that the republicans are responsible for the bridge collapse due to their action (or in-action) on the infrastructure bill.

From The Fiscal Times – 478 Billion Infrastructure Bill Blocked by Senate GOPLet’s see what this article says…

What I see dick durbin saying here is both parties used to care, and couldn’t wait to get on the committee to help their district.
Of course we see in the second paragraph where dick has to make sure he throws in the “Tea Party” to elicit that emotional response and create more talking points. I am sure he understands that the Tea Party representation is too small to make or break any legislation on their own. The GOP leadership does everything it can to minimize the effect of the Tea Party members also. Neither party is happy with the Tea Party because they won’t play the “politics as usual” game in Washington.

Back to the main point though, the info-graphic says a few months ago senate republicans blocked the bill. Correct me if I’m wrong here, but isn’t obama in his 7th year in office? And how long did he have a majority in the house and senate? If the democrats were so concerned about the infrastructure why was nothing  done then? That’s okay though, they did nothing for years when they had control, but let’s blame the republicans from a vote a few months ago.

Which brings us to the last piece of this oh so cool little propaganda picture.
We can re-visit my previous point here, hasn’t obama been in office for 7 years, with a democratic majority for part of that time? So if we are still spending $700,000,000,000 a year on war, who should we question?

Eat Shit, You Deserve it!

I really want to remain silent, I am disgusted by the America people that have sat on their fucking asses for all these years doing nothing while our country was ravaged by the evil and nasty fuckers on the left. You know what, I can’t remain silent, I tried, but you fuckers that are more talk then walk piss me off more then the assholes wrecking our country! At least the evil fuckers were willing to take a stand, not like you so called patriots, that are too busy washing your vagina and dreaming of your righteousness! What the fuck have you done beside sit behind your fucking keyboards and complain? Ya know what, fuck you, I have tried since the late 70’s to get people to listen! When you could have done something that would have made a difference, you were too busy too care about your rights, so shut the fuck up or stand up! The time has come where you either have to stand up or bend over farther! So are you going to continue being a bitch for the left or are you going to stand the fuck up like a real American?

Jade Helm, just an Exercise?

Most of us are aware of the Jade Helm exercises that are going to be happening starting July 15 and running until September 15. For those of you that are unaware, it is a joint effort with the Green Berets, Navy Seals, the 82nd Airborne Division, USAF Special Operations Command, USMC Special Operations Command and expeditionary units each participating in the exercise. The exercise will cover Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado, with Texas and Utah being designated as “hostile territory” and New Mexico leaning towards hostile.

Jade Helm Operating Area

Jade Helm Operating Area

Is this just a training exercise or something more, that depends on who you ask it seems. The theories abound all over the internet. The government has released a 12 page unclassified document concerning the training objectives and areas of operation. I have included it here, though it does not really give us much more then a simple outline.
Official Release for the Jade Helm Exercise (PDF)

The opinions run from standard training exercise to preparation for martial law to  fema camps to attempts to dis-arm the American people. It could be a dry-run for any one of those (or other) scenarios, or the real thing. I believe, as do others that obama would attempt to create a situation allowing the government to institute martial law and remain in office somehow. He has shown a complete disregard for the law and our Constitutional rights thus far, I believe he sees himself as the great dictator, he has and will continue to fool himself further in the belief that he can actually become the great one. The military has performed many other training exercise throughout the country previously. So why does this training exercise have so many people concerned, and so many conspiracy theories spiraling around it?

When you consider the large area of operations, and other then Texas no specific mention of locations and the vague explanations from the government concerning the Jade Helm exercise, I believe concern is warranted. Consider the large areas of (illegally controlled state) land already under federal control, much of it remote and uninhabited. We can be assured they will utilize that fact to their advantage if they have things they want hidden from the public eye. You can see in the graphic below, the federally controlled state lands in red, according to the Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 17: To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;–And.

That looks like a lot more then 10 square miles, for forts, arsenals and/or other needful buildings as authorized.


Federally Controlled State Lands (in red)

I do find the timing suspect also because the area of operation is right where many of these states are trying to regain control of their own lands from federal control.  You know the federal government never wants to cede control once they have it, you know someplace in their agenda is reasserting control over whatever lands they have illegally annexed. That we can be sure is not even close to their primary objectives though, objectives we can only guess at, if we are fortunate the exercise will be just that, an exercise.

To be continued…




Oh No It’s the RFRA, Cue the Left-Wing Nutjobs

A little speculation on my part…

Oh no Indiana passed a law just like 19 other states have previously. The federal government passed a similar law, it passed the House unanimously and the Senate 97-3 and it was signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1993.  Nineteen states started passing their own laws when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1997 that the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act signed did not apply to the states.

Obama while serving in the Illinois State Senate voted on the Illinois version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which had very similar language to the federal law. It passed the Illinois Senate 56-0 and became law on July 1, 1998.

So that leaves us with the question of why the left, who have already voted for bills just like this, are freaking out so much over this one. I’m guessing they are practicing selective memory because they need to push their agenda. With them having nothing else to really coalesce around recently, and knowing they can’t allow their minions time to think for themselves, lest support dwindle.

Of course any bill with the word “religious” in the name, no matter it’s purpose, must be anti-gay according to the left. Even if it’s not, the left takes every opportunity to push their anti-religious and Christian agenda. Too many of us still have a solid moral foundation based on our Judeo-Christian beliefs. That really bothers the left, because it highlights their weak moral fiber and hinders their agenda at the same time.

So if you see the left slip into selective memory mode, usually indicated with a feeding frenzy by the main stream media on a seemingly minor issue, they blow into a major one. Look for what they are trying to draw your attention away from. The obama administration is quite adept at using this tactic also, if one looks closely I would bet there are many ties between the players in both the administration and the media.

It didn’t take the players on the left very long to spring into action, Gov. Malloy from Conn is signing an executive order restricting state funded travel to Indiana. San Fransisco and Seattle have taken similar action on a municipal level. They are calling it a boycott, I call it discrimination against the people of Indiana. Apparently the citizens of Indiana and the state are not allowed to exercise the right of statehood and have their own rights and freedoms that are guaranteed them as free citizens respected, because the left only believes in tolerance when you agree with them!

A Message from Anonymous

A 17 minute video from Anonymous.



“because i’m white”

“because i’m white” is my new blog I am going to be working on along with this one. The new blog is dedicated to trying to get people involved in talking about race relations in America. As most of you probably know, the state of race relations really sucks in our country right now. The first step is to get people thinking about it, this is my attempt at step one.


Branching Out

I have decided I am going to launch a new blog that I feel there is an absolute need for, and it is long overdue also. The blog will be centered around the language that we hear from most of the political left, and from the many influential voices in the black community.

Many black and white people are given a pass by the main stream media for racist comments, attitudes and sometimes outright lies. They are given this pass because they are democrats or liberals and share the same agenda as the media does. The media insists that it is not biased, yet refuse to call out many black people on obviously racist comments, simply because they are black. They seem to apply similar standards to most of the political left in general.

Conservatives are held to a totally different standard though by most in the regular media, if not for alternative media the truth of what many conservatives say would not even be heard. I have been saying for many years that we need to have more dialogue on race relations. I have even tried different times on facebook and on other blogs to initiate dialogue, with little to no success. It is time someone brings to the fore front what is actually said and by whom, and keeps people, black and white, accountable for their words.

Taking Turns Holding the Handle! (part 1)

I get so angry many days just doing one simple thing, reading the news. In my opinion about 75% of the stuff that is trying to pass for news or information is complete bullshit. Yet for some reason people eat it up, and worse yet they share it with others. If the title doesn’t clue them in to the absurdity of the story, the story itself should. Do they ever think to actually check the facts, or wonder about the website, is it legit, propaganda or just trying to get it’s clicks to make it’s money?

America is going to hell in hand basket, and most of us are taking turns holding the handle. The biggest problem is our ego, left-wing, center, right-wing, does it matter where you stand if you can’t see the truth? I’d like to say, ask yourself honestly, but that’s the problem right there, most people can’t. We used to be a society that questioned not only ourselves, we questioned the media and most importantly we questioned our leaders. It is actually one of our responsibilities as citizens to question our leaders, too many simply just follow anymore. I have actually read statements where some people (mostly liberals) have tried to say that we should not question our leaders, that it’s not right to. These people apparently have no idea that the very foundation of our country is based on “we the people” not “we the government”.

We seem to have become a country of special interests, our own interests and absolutely no interest. This is where that ego I mentioned in the last paragraph comes in. So many people identify so strongly with, or invest so heavily in their political or personal ideals, that their ego won’t allow them to see anything else. They won’t admit they are wrong, because so much of who they are is invested in that identity that they don’t know how to be anyone or anything else. They are part of a group, they belong to something, too many (liberals) have become too weak to stand alone.

It’s truly ironic that our country was founded on the individual, our documents designed to promote and protect the rights and privileges of the individual. Each of us had the right to think and associate as individuals. Today everyone is automatically labeled and grouped (not always by choice) based simply on their thoughts and associations. Those that attempt to be an individual, to stand and be heard as one, are criticized and ridiculed with a poison and a passion I can only classify as evil by those (liberals) too weak stand alone.



I have been saying since the late 1970’s what the gay agenda was about, we are unfortunately right where I feared we would end up being. Right where I warned people it would lead us, with the gay marriage issue. It’s more then that though, I saw then (in the late 70’s) that it would also be used to infringe on our religious rights and beliefs. I did not understand then what a progressive or a liberal really was, nor the danger they would become to our society and country with their narrow minded and bigoted attitudes. Had I realized back then the real danger, I would have worked harder to combat their “I hate America” agenda!

I dressed like the hippies of the 60’s and 70’s, had the long hair and the beard also. I listened to the same music, but I was conservative and in the late 70’s started to see and speak about how the 60’s would really hurt our country. I saw very little good in the “peace and love” generation and the distinctly different set of morals and values they wanted to foster on us as a nation. Many of them are our political leaders and university professors and administrators now, their socialist and/or communist beliefs and practices are paraded quite openly. Such as their use of the Cloward-Piven Strategy and constant reliance on Saul Alinsky’s last book “Rules for Radicals”, published in 1971. The gay agenda was just one more attack against our society, it was, and still is, I believe just one more tool the left (democrats) is using to re-make America, their true agenda.

I believe it would be a safe bet to say that many democrats are actually anti-gay in their private life, but their agenda comes before all else. Before honesty or integrity even, in my opinion. Most of the politicians have not had to battle too hard on this issue, there are rabid pro-gay groups that don’t care who they drag through the mud, nor if the mud is even real. Several gay organizers have come out recently concerning the tactics they have used in their fight. They have stated that they did what ever “ends justified the means” to accomplish their goal, that  goal being to legitimize an immoral lifestyle.

They show no regard for other peoples rights or beliefs, and have no problem stretching the facts or studies to match the words they are using. Accomplishing their goal, even with the negative consequences on our society, is all that matters to them. One of them admitted openly that they were indoctrinating children, and that they had no regrets in doing so. If they have to brain wash children to get them to accept their ideas and lifestyle, I’m guessing even they realize (if only sub-consciously)  that something is wrong. I believe that is part of the reason they strive so hard for acceptance of what they do, they need to legitimize it even in their own mind. Broader social acceptance helps them to quell those voices from within.

Are We the People the Real Problem?

I had an idea for a post, I even started working on it, then I realized I had already done this post. I looked back in the archives and found it, I am re-posting it now. I believe it is more important and relevant now then it was when I originally posted it in January of 2013. So here it is:

We The People, Are The Problem

Huh, what? What do you mean “we the people” are the problem?

Simply put, we the American people are our biggest problem and our own worst enemy in many ways.

Why would I say that? How much does the average voting age individual know or understand about how our country works, how the economy works, how the government really works? A more important question is how much do you care?

I spend a lot of time reading about these very issues, I know from personal experience much if not all of it is hard to understand. The people involved want it to be hard if not impossible to figure out. By the people involved, I mean the government, their lackeys in the press, the lobbyists, etc…

So to get an understanding of where our country is really at means you have to really want to know, and have to put time into it.

Try this approach and see if it helps you. Start by stopping, stop looking at the issues from the point of democrat or republican. Pick an issues that is near and dear to you because chances are you already have an understanding of that issue. Do a google search on that issue, now with an open mind look at the different sites that discuss that issue. Some of those sites will agree with your point of view, some won’t, try an sift through all of that information for the truth.  That is where the open mind comes in, I have found myself to be wrong on some issues with my preconceived notions. Many of us (myself included), approach a lot of the issues from an emotional stand point, and once we form an opinion are very unwilling to change it.

In sifting through the multitude of pages your search gave you, notice which ones seem to give you more factual information and less propaganda and heart string pulls. Those are the sites you want to bookmark for future reference. I like to deal in facts, when I present facts in an article I usually will verify my data with 3 different sources. When ever possible go to the US Government websites for data, they are usually accurate, not always but 95% of the time they are. Use wikipedia only to find other sources, wikipedia is good for direction on something but the data is more often then you would think, wrong.

The first and most important step is to realize you are not always right, the second is to train yourself to find the information you need, it gets easier the more you do it.

An uninformed or low information voter as many of us are being referred to as is the biggest boon to politicians in modern politics. They know we don’t know, and they use it against us, they also pay people to find heart strings in every issue, they know that works with many of us also. They do their best to personalize an issue for us, a very effective tool for them.

Politicians only benefit by staying in office, that means getting the most people to believe what they are telling you and vote for it. Ask yourself why people get voted out of office and new ones get voted in, yet nothing seems to change in the big picture! It is because we are not armed with the truth, we have the version of the truth that fits the politicians agenda. Wouldn’t you rather have the real facts?