Tag Archives: government interference

Oliver Twist(ed) Friedfeld’s Story!

Bad Language Warning: Because this pisses me the fuck off beyond belief! I couldn’t believe this was a real story at first!

What the fuck is wrong with this Oliver Twist(ed) Friedfeld moron? And he may be part of our government someday. Though the government is already filled with the same level of stupidity exhibited by this Oliver Twist(ed) fool. He deserved to get robbed because of his privilege, he says he believes that those with privilege should just adapt to crime. This time his assailants were not violent, what of the many who are mugged and beaten, or raped, stabbed or shot in the commission of a crime of this nature? What the fuck is wrong with this guy?


Not once did he consider their attackers to be bad people. “They wanted my stuff, not me. While I don’t know what exactly they needed the money for, I do know that I’ve never once had to think about going out on a Saturday night to mug people. I had never before seen a gun, let alone known where to get one.” I don’t know who or what decides who is privileged or not privileged or at what level privilege kicks in. But it is quite clear that this individual is completely clueless to the reality that many of us live, and the sorrow and pain many families experience because violent crime has taken a loved one away from them.

He can hardly blame his assailants because of income inequality, and some bullshit of otherization. They were two criminals that robbed him and his room mate at gunpoint. But it’s not their fault that they are the garbage of society, it’s the wrongs of the past, according to Oliver Twist(ed). He doesn’t, like all liberal morons mention any specific wrongs of the past that need addressing. But these wrongs are clearly having an effect on these poor gun toting young men of high moral fiber, who’s investment in the local crack house did not pay off with any dividends this quarter. Thus forcing them to create a temporary level of privilege for themselves, based on someone else’s hard work and effort.

Apparently this Oliver twist-ed has wealthy parents or family, this has allowed  him to live a life of privilege. One that has afforded him all the comforts of life, and an education most can only dream of. An education that clearly has taught him nothing of the real world, yet through the School of Foreign Service he may someday be a member of the State Department, possibly in control of important decisions concerning our country. I have to assume that it is his privilege that has gotten him to this point in his life, it certainly is not his grasp on reality, he has none. I am guessing he has never gotten off of his over privileged ass and done a day of work in his life, he clearly has no idea that someone in his family had to earn the money that he is coasting through life on.

He trots out the old income inequality excuse for the two scumbags that robbed him.  How fucking clueless is this guy? Who makes excuses for the criminal, especially criminals that commit armed robbery. This just really pisses me off, what kind of schools and teachers do we have in our country at all levels of the education system if we are turning out complete morons and idiots like this. Someone could have been injured or even died during the robbery if things had gone differently.

This is a big part of what is wrong with America, we have people telling us that all white people are racists because of privilege (white privilege), just by virtue of birth. We have liberals like this idiot Oliver twist-ed telling us that some people because of their social and or financial privilege should not expect to have the same protections or rights the Constitution and the Bill of Rights guarantees the rest of us. Even more disturbing is the idea that criminals are not responsible for their own behavior, but some perceived wrong from the past is the real culprit. So we should do what? Grant to the criminal element in our society special rights to make them a privileged class, based on some yet unstated past wrongs the liberals all agree exist yet cannot to this day ever seem to make an actual list of.

I know this sounds totally ridiculous and insane, but to me this whole story from Oliver twist-ed sounds that way. After reading it multiple times I still can’t grasp that this is a true story, it sounds like a script for a TV show more then reality. The worst part of it all is there are way to many clueless liberals and morons in our society, that don’t seem to grasp reality. If you try to rob me at gun point or break into my house I am going to shoot you, plain and fucking simple, that is all the reality you need to grasp. You won’t be the first one to take a shot at me, but I will do my best to make sure it is your last shot, ever. How do you expect someone to respond if you are threatening their life or their family?

I still cannot grasp the reality here, that reality being where our country and society are headed. It’s not even about the number of people that have fallen victim to the liberal garbage corrupting our society. It’s the fact that they can spread this garbage so easily through their control of the education system, both primary and secondary. That is what is making their agenda so effective is the total control, common core is an extension of that agenda. Why do you think they (the liberals and democrats) are pushing so hard for universal preschool, an earlier start to the indoctrination of our children. How do you think the system is turning out morons that believe they deserved to be a victim.

Why do you think common core and total control is so important to them. They know with time and control of the circumstances they can eventually teach kids to give up their Constitutional Rights and Freedoms voluntarily, without a fight or shot ever being fired. This may seem like a story of just another clueless moron not grasping the reality many of us face in life. But look at the underlying cause and effect that the education system probably played here.

And yes privilege did and does play a role here, but not in the manor you think. Many of the people that end up running our country and our government, come from families of wealth and privilege. Many of these people already have a distorted sense of reality because of their life of privilege and how it shelters them from a normal daily life in America. If they can influence the future leaders and people in government, it is a much smaller group that they need to focus on. With exclusive and Ivy League schools attended primarily by the people they most wish to influence, consider where this could eventually lead us. And see why they need these schools to be the bastions of liberalism they have become.

Consider what we can learn from this story, as fucked up as it is.

Now it’s Civil rights violation

The verdict is in on the George Zimmerman trial, and the fist thing the NAACP does is call for the DOJ to press charges for civil rights violation against Zimmerman because the verdict was not what they wanted. Where are they on pressing charges against all the people in Chicago that have killed young black kids? I guess their lives don’t matter because they were killed by other black people! I guess it’s only a real crime if a white person killed them! When are we going to have a real life real time discussion on the issue? It really pisses me off that the media and many in society feel that I can’t care about the lives of young children in many of the urban centers of this country because their skin color and mine are not the same! With each day I become more disgusted with the people known as Americans!

Where to Start

It’s going to take a lot of work to create what I wish to create. What exactly am I trying to create you wonder. Some articles that can present in a way the situation as it stands on race relations in America. No one will address the topic, and I thought I did not understand why, but I think it is because people don’t want to accept responsibility for their own actions. They are un-willing to see or admit they are part of the problem.

While I work on these articles I will present articles from around the web on the subject.

Here is one that has me asking why the main stream media has completely ignored the story. I am guessing because it does not fit the narrative they wish to project. The volume of black on white crime is staggering in respect to the white on black crime rate. So you would think stories like this would be important. The media went out of their way to call George Zimmerman a “white-hispanic”, a term I have never heard in my 50+ years of being alive. They had to call him that to fit him into the narrative about the black people always being the victim no matter the circumstances. They can’t spin these four young men into the victim category so they simply ignore the story and the realities it presents.

Here is the link from CBS Atlanta, any mention of race scrubbed from the tiny article they bothered to post.


Here is an actual informative article on the whole story.


Returning for good I hope

It looks like I am going to be posting again, my health issues are not resolved. In some ways they have actually gotten worse.

But with everything going on I feel that I need to push through the pain and problems and start posting daily.

What especially concerns me right now is the threat of possible riots because of the George Zimmerman trial. I as an average person have put a lot of effort through out my life trying to understand the issues between the black and white communities.  I have never been prejudiced, but in all honesty I am getting to the point where I am having a hard time trying to support the black community anymore.

My posts for the next few weeks  are going to look at the situation that has been created in America by the race hustlers and race pimps like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, etc…

I will once again state the obvious, well obvious to me at least, that I have been saying for many years now. The racial issues will never go away until we stop being black and white, and start being Americans first, and people first. I served in the military with many people of all nationalities and backgrounds. I have had friends whom I socialized and partied with, and broke bread with and crashed at their houses, who were black, mexican, etc…

Most of my life the majority of white people I have known did not really care what color your skin was. I am starting to see attitudes change though, many people (myself included) are sick of the situation. Many are sick of being told they are racist because they see to many in the black community crying victim, yet doing nothing to help themselves or their community to change.

My posts will make the points in detail that I am generalizing about here.  I am just sick and tired of all the whining from both sides, we are all at fault in some ways for the situation being what it is. Until people stand up as individuals and accept responsibility for themselves and stop coming up with excuses the situation will only get worse, as it clearly appears to be doing.

Stop Opening the Door for Terror to Enter!

Boehner calls NSA leaker a traitor! The traitors are the people that put this program into operation!!!!! The power hungry children, I call them that because they have not the means to control their emotional maturity enough to overcome their own wants and needs. Telling us these programs are needed to combat a threat of terrorism, a threat the president was just recently telling us was gone. So which is it?

Look around the world, you don’t even need to be educated to see who the terrorists are. They are all muslims! Common sense would tell us then to stop letting muslims into our country if they are the threat. But our so called leaders are accelerating the numbers of muslims coming in to America. It is as though they want a constant threat to hold over our heads as an excuse to continue to erode our rights and freedoms.

Exercise a little common sense here and ask yourself about the situation. If all the people doing this are muslims then you only need to monitor them for the most part. And the court would surely authorize wiretaps and such as needed for the individual situation. So why the need for everything the current government is doing? If you are stupid enough to believe they don’t have their own motives with everything that has come out, you truly are stupid. I am not going to ask when Americans are going to wake up, I have been asking that for 20 years or more, I’m done asking. I am not done trying to fulfill my responsibility as an American, but I am waiting for the majority to start fulfilling theirs!

How long will we be Silent?

This is disgusting that this could even happen in America! Everyday I become more ashamed to be an american. How long are we going to sit by silently and let the little whiny pussy bitches take over our country? If my posts seem to be getting more angry it is because I for one am feed up with the joke most americans have become, grow a set and learn to stand up for your rights and freedoms and what is right!!!!!!


Liberal Nut Job Alert

You have to check out this article, this lady is out there someplace, I’m not sure where but someplace.


Unions Slump

I wanted to share this article from Townhall.com, I found it very interesting. I will admit I have been anti-union my whole adult life so I am biased on the subject. Back in the middle 80’s I was working as a commercial/industrial electrician for a small company with only 5 employees. We were on a large project working alongside a larger union company with around 40 people on the project. At the end of the project we were tasked with going back and fixing all of the issues that needed to be taken care of. The reason we were doing it and not the large union company was because the majority of the issues were caused by poor quality workmanship from the union workers.

So here we are, 5 guys that learned OJT (on the job training) how to be electricians had to fix all of the mistakes made by the school trained union electricians. This is only one of the experiences I have had dealing with union workers in my 20+ years in the construction trades. I can tell you pretty much all of them have gone the same way though.

That is not the only reason I don’t like unions though, my biggest issues is what kind of man or woman needs someone else to speak for them! My job performance and skills speak for me loud and clear at raise time, and I have never failed to get the raise when asked!

My biggest issue though and it is mentioned in the article has to do with our education system and how the unions have wrecked it completely from a financial point. And their lib friends (unionized teachers) have wrecked it from an educational point.

Enough of my rambling here is the link to the article: http://finance.townhall.com/columnists/johnransom/2013/02/18/unons-slump-on-bad-obama-bet-n1514622/page/full/

Conservative Community…Finally

I got side-tracked checking out a new website, it’s called “Tea Party Community”. Been there setting up my profile and meeting new people, every conservative minded American should check it out (no trolls please).

Tea Party Community

I like facebook to a point, but I find I spend too much time fighting with the no and low information voters out there.

The people on the left have given up on civility quite a while ago, but are the first to scream at the right for doing that. I believe they think if they scream loud enough about the alleged infractions by the right no one will notice they have not made any real points or presented any real facts. And the subject does not matter, when they do have facts they are doctored so bad they need life support.

In keeping with the tactics of the left, I have abandoned civility also (within reason), There are depths I will not sink to though, I won’t demean myself for an agenda.

So it will be nice to have a conservative site I can visit and enjoy some facts, the great thing about truth and facts is you can never under-cook them, over-cook them and they never spoil. Well… maybe they do spoil, they help spoil the lefts recipes for rainbows and unicorns.

Mind Numbing

Now that I am back to the blog I find it mind numbing in some ways trying to figure out what to post about. The sheer magnitude of things that are wrong right now makes it so difficult to find a beginning.

I can see obama is hyping the illegal immigration issue, I am guessing that is simply to distract us from the economy. I am not an economist, I have been doing a lot of reading on the subject though. My hope is to be able to bring you a somewhat informed opinion from an average joe.

My take on the immigration issue is simple, and many won’t like it. I believe the first an foremost thing we need to do is to close the border tight. We need to stop the additional illegals from coming in, it is estimated that 10,000 a day continue to enter. That equals another 1,000,000 every 100 days!

Depending on who you listen to we already have between 11,000,000 and 20,000,000 illegal aliens here.

I say send them home! With the job market the way it is already we need those jobs for Americans. Some say that the illegals do jobs Americans won’t do. All I can say to that is Americans need to toughen up then and act like our forefathers did. I picked fruit and vegetables as a kid, shoveled horse shit, pumped gas, etc…. I did half the crapy jobs out there when I was younger. It motivated me to get a trade so I could make more then minimum wage.

My point is there are already legal means of entry to this country, they are breaking the law and should be deported without question. If you or I break the law we are not just simply forgiven for it, and we are citizens! So why should someone who broke the law to get here have anymore rights then we do? Think about it, they are being extended a right we don’t even have as citizens, a get out of jail free card!

I am not going to get into the costs of having them here because the estimates are wide ranging and the accuracy is in question. But all estimates have it in the billions.

We need to get our own house in order before we open the door to anyone else!