Tag Archives: gay

From Dreamers to Screamers

I keep hearing about all this hate from the right about gay rights. I don’t see the hate they are talking about. I think most people that are conservative are much like myself in their opinions.

I don’t care if you are gay, that is your business, I have never treated gay people any different then I have treated anyone else. I do firmly believe that your sex life belongs at home in the bedroom, not in the public forum. Who you are or are not sleeping with is none of my business, it’s yours and should be kept that way.

As a human being I have the right to think and believe what I wish, as an American I am guaranteed the protection of those rights. I also have the right if I wish to perceive the gay lifestyle as biologically unnatural, and with no benefit to society. That does not mean I hate or even dislike gay people, I simply disagree with what they are doing.

Broader acceptance of gays came about through a well thought out PR campaign of personalizing gays as your friend, family member, neighbor, etc… I don’t have an issue with gay people wanting to feel accepted for who they are as an individual, that is something everyone wants. The gay community and their supporters were not satisfied with that goal though.

That is where the problem begins for many of us though, we are willing to give you the respect you desire, in turn we ask that you do the same for us. Respect and understanding have to be mutual, but calling people hateful and bigots because their moral compass points in a different direction then yours does not promote support for your cause.

Now we have people being forced to accept something that may violate the core values and teachings they have based their life on. The gay community and it’s supporters can’t seem to realize, or chose to ignore that they have gone from being the oppressed to the oppressors. They have become the bigots and haters, from dreamers to screamers.