Tag Archives: death threats

In My Lifetime? Fat F**king Chance

**Bad language and Bad attitude Warning**

I have had hope for years that we might be able to find harmony in America in my lifetime. When I see something like this shared online it makes me lose hope and faith in people even more. It makes me angry also, but I already have accepted the fact that the liberals and many of the democrats in our society today are real scumbags. I don’t hear about any death threats against the democrats from the Tea Party or the republicans. So why do we keep hearing about death threats by the democrats and liberals on a regular basis. Almost daily it seems you can find an article from some place around the country where the left threatens to kill or at least maim a supporter on the right.

sarah palin

What the fuck is wrong with these people? It’s politics, it’s an election. Not a gang war on the streets, what kind of little bitches threaten a black Pastor and his family over support of a republican candidate. What kind of pussies break into a church and steal the money being collected to help poor people. What has happened to the left that they find nothing wrong with threatening physical harm over a political agenda? I am guessing it is white people doing this, because if it is black people, they are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. I say this because the democrats have been fucking the black community for 50 years now, if they are willing to put their neck on the line and possibly go to jail for people that are stabbing them in the back like that, they have to be really stupid. I guess it’s all just different levels of stupidity anyways, anyone that makes these threats white or black are just a piece of human waste, the kind that need to be flushed!

mitt romney

Here is the article with a short video (3:16 long) from Pastor Brooks concerning the threats and the theft from the church.

Gov Walker

A piece of shit is a piece of shit, no matter what color, black or white. I don’t know what else to say, I’m sorry for going off like this, but I am sick of these scumbags threatening people when they hide behind a keyboard like a little girl. Come by and see me with your threats, I am a Tea Party member, an NRA member, a veteran and I will be voting conservative across the board.

glenn beckann romneyholly fisherliberal