Tag Archives: black lives matter

Some Black Lives Matter!

I am sure by now everyone in America has heard about the ignorance of these protestors for the “black lives matter” group. The main stream media has made sure that they have coverage of these protestors interrupting a political rally for both Bernie Sanders and Jeb Bush. The message they have for the candidates for president in 2016 is ” that they want police violence and racial disparities in policing to be acknowledged and addressed “. They supposedly wanted to disrupt a campaign event held on Tuesday in New Hampshire for Hillary Clinton, they arrived too late to gain entrance to the event they stated, though they did meet with the candidate after the event.

I would be more willing to believe that they were not allowed entrance to the event by mutual agreement beforehand, the reason for their denial into the event was room capacity had been reached. They even went as far as having the Secret Service verify that as being the reason, the fact that they went to those lengths to point it out throws doubt on it in my opinion. They were allowed to meet with the candidate afterwards in what was referred to as an overflow room. The media was not allowed to record the meeting, which is strange also, because both sides would have wanted to take advantage of the controlled situation and try to score some points with the media and the public. I believe everything was scripted here to obtain the maximum exposure while releasing the minimum amount of information.
You can read the full article here concerning their meeting: Hillary and Black Lives Matter activists meet in private.

A spokesperson/activist from Black Lives Matter told the press later “We asked the secretary about her and her family’s history with the war on drugs both at home and abroad and how she felt about her involvement in that violence that has been perpetuated, especially against communities of color and against black folks.” Yancey, the spokesperson for Black Lives Matter, added that she never heard “a reflection on her part in perpetuating white supremacist violence.”

Another clear reason a candidate would want the meeting reported in the news media, they would want to address allegations like those immediately and decisively in a public forum.
Black Lives Matter, at that point accused Hillary of ” involvement in the violence that has been perpetuated, especially against communities of color and against black folks.”  They also appear to have labeled her as ” perpetuating white supremacist violence.”

You see, if Hillary Clinton doesn’t address the statement made by Black Lives Matter, both sides win. Black Lives Matter wins, because they are seen as asking the tough no holds barred questions of the candidate. And Hillary wins because by not addressing it publicly, she appears to accept her role in these supposed crimes against the black community, her silence also helps her to appear repentant in the matter. As I stated above, I am more inclined to believe that the whole thing was scripted from start to finish, this allowed both parties to project a certain image in the situation. Yet if you notice, there was no information released by either side that has any basis in reality, such as specifics concerning violence by police, or incarceration rates for young black males. If nothing is presented, nothing can be questioned or fact checked.

I veered some from my original intentions of the article when I realized that something was wrong as reported. Under normal circumstances both Hillary (as a presidential candidate) and the Black Lives Matter group would have been fighting for press time and to score some political points.

In the next post I will cover the issues presented by the tactics and strategy  of the group Black Lives Matter.