Playing the Victim, they Play so Well

Every time there is a terrorist attack in the U.S. or Canada, CAIR and the muslim community do the same thing. They complain about non-existent backlash against the muslim community and try to play the victim, so as to deflect attention away from the terrorist attack or murders. They never look within their own community for problems with jihadists, that is because multiple studies since 1998 have shown that 80% of their mosques in the United States and Canada teach a radical agenda of hatred towards Christians and Jews. They also focus on teaching that sharia law is superior to Constitutional Law, though they deny all of this.

They scream islamophobia and the little bitches on the left lay down just like the main stream media does. The left does the same thing all the time to conservatives, but they don’t how to deal with it when it is used against them. With the muslims crying victim loudly the media is afraid to put any blame on them, even though all of the blame lies squarely on their shoulders.

Here is a classic example:

CAIRO – The killing of a solider [sic] near Montreal has left Canada Muslims terrified of an expected backlash against the religious community, calling on Canadians to join hands against extremism, instead of blaming Muslims for terror acts committed in their name.

“We must be very careful not to point the finger at mosques and instead see them as allies against this kind of phenomenon, because it is they who can alert police,” Haroun Bouazzi, a spokesperson for Association des Musulmans et Arabes pour la Laïcité du Québec (AMAL-Québec), told Montreal Gazette.

“The main victims, other than the people who died yesterday, are Muslims themselves because more and more, they are seen as an enemy from inside,” Bouazzi added.

This is a pattern the muslim community has been using since the 1990’s, I will post more on this and the actual studies as soon as time permits.

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