Radical Islam

Disclaimer: I will in no way attempt to hide my true feelings of contempt and loathing for the majority of  these barbaric and primitive savages. Some people say I might be islamophobic, just because  I think most of them are gutless killers, rapists and child molesters.

There is an important distinction that must be made concerning the difference in perceptions between an infidel (you and I) and a muslim. A muslim does not see islamic attacks as terrorism, to them it is jihad, by perceiving it in this manner (as jihad) they can deny support for terrorism, jihad is not terrorism in their mind.

Helpful Pages and Information on Radical islam
Playing the Victim, they Play so Well

Definitions of a bunch of muzzie words and phrases
The True Goals of islam
ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas and the goat f**kers


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