Category Archives: obama

Some Black Lives Matter!

I am sure by now everyone in America has heard about the ignorance of these protestors for the “black lives matter” group. The main stream media has made sure that they have coverage of these protestors interrupting a political rally for both Bernie Sanders and Jeb Bush. The message they have for the candidates for president in 2016 is ” that they want police violence and racial disparities in policing to be acknowledged and addressed “. They supposedly wanted to disrupt a campaign event held on Tuesday in New Hampshire for Hillary Clinton, they arrived too late to gain entrance to the event they stated, though they did meet with the candidate after the event.

I would be more willing to believe that they were not allowed entrance to the event by mutual agreement beforehand, the reason for their denial into the event was room capacity had been reached. They even went as far as having the Secret Service verify that as being the reason, the fact that they went to those lengths to point it out throws doubt on it in my opinion. They were allowed to meet with the candidate afterwards in what was referred to as an overflow room. The media was not allowed to record the meeting, which is strange also, because both sides would have wanted to take advantage of the controlled situation and try to score some points with the media and the public. I believe everything was scripted here to obtain the maximum exposure while releasing the minimum amount of information.
You can read the full article here concerning their meeting: Hillary and Black Lives Matter activists meet in private.

A spokesperson/activist from Black Lives Matter told the press later “We asked the secretary about her and her family’s history with the war on drugs both at home and abroad and how she felt about her involvement in that violence that has been perpetuated, especially against communities of color and against black folks.” Yancey, the spokesperson for Black Lives Matter, added that she never heard “a reflection on her part in perpetuating white supremacist violence.”

Another clear reason a candidate would want the meeting reported in the news media, they would want to address allegations like those immediately and decisively in a public forum.
Black Lives Matter, at that point accused Hillary of ” involvement in the violence that has been perpetuated, especially against communities of color and against black folks.”  They also appear to have labeled her as ” perpetuating white supremacist violence.”

You see, if Hillary Clinton doesn’t address the statement made by Black Lives Matter, both sides win. Black Lives Matter wins, because they are seen as asking the tough no holds barred questions of the candidate. And Hillary wins because by not addressing it publicly, she appears to accept her role in these supposed crimes against the black community, her silence also helps her to appear repentant in the matter. As I stated above, I am more inclined to believe that the whole thing was scripted from start to finish, this allowed both parties to project a certain image in the situation. Yet if you notice, there was no information released by either side that has any basis in reality, such as specifics concerning violence by police, or incarceration rates for young black males. If nothing is presented, nothing can be questioned or fact checked.

I veered some from my original intentions of the article when I realized that something was wrong as reported. Under normal circumstances both Hillary (as a presidential candidate) and the Black Lives Matter group would have been fighting for press time and to score some political points.

In the next post I will cover the issues presented by the tactics and strategy  of the group Black Lives Matter.

The Propaganda Machine Needs repairing

I know, I know, you are wondering why I seem to be wasting time on something like this when there are so many more important things going on in our country. And I understand, but exposing how the democrats constantly use propaganda on the no and low information voters is important also. I am going to share this post that is circulating around the web from “occupy democrats”, and break it down a little. I’m not a big fan of the republicans, but I will give them a little credit, they don’t seem to reach the lows the democrats do. Well let’s jump in here and see what we’ve got. Here is the photo from occupy demonrats, oops I mean democrats, sorry.

Propaganda at Work

Propaganda at Work

Let us start with the top section of this lovely info-graphic and see where it leads us. You won’t need to pack a lunch, this won’t take long.

Hopple Street Bridge

Hopple Street Bridge

I would guess from the “last night” part this was created and posted on January 20, 2015. This is the Hopple Street bridge overpass in Cincinnati, Oh, that spans over I-75. What occupy democrats (and the democratic party in general) try to create here is an emotional response when tied in with the phrase further down the picture. What they fail to mention is that this bridge was no longer in service and was in the process of being demolished. A new bridge was already in service, and the collapse was contractor error and had nothing to do with any politics from either party.
From –18 Months Later, The Hopple St. Bridge Collapse

Now when you add the next section of the picture it implies that the republicans are responsible for the bridge collapse due to their action (or in-action) on the infrastructure bill.

From The Fiscal Times – 478 Billion Infrastructure Bill Blocked by Senate GOPLet’s see what this article says…

What I see dick durbin saying here is both parties used to care, and couldn’t wait to get on the committee to help their district.
Of course we see in the second paragraph where dick has to make sure he throws in the “Tea Party” to elicit that emotional response and create more talking points. I am sure he understands that the Tea Party representation is too small to make or break any legislation on their own. The GOP leadership does everything it can to minimize the effect of the Tea Party members also. Neither party is happy with the Tea Party because they won’t play the “politics as usual” game in Washington.

Back to the main point though, the info-graphic says a few months ago senate republicans blocked the bill. Correct me if I’m wrong here, but isn’t obama in his 7th year in office? And how long did he have a majority in the house and senate? If the democrats were so concerned about the infrastructure why was nothing  done then? That’s okay though, they did nothing for years when they had control, but let’s blame the republicans from a vote a few months ago.

Which brings us to the last piece of this oh so cool little propaganda picture.
We can re-visit my previous point here, hasn’t obama been in office for 7 years, with a democratic majority for part of that time? So if we are still spending $700,000,000,000 a year on war, who should we question?

From Dreamers to Screamers

I keep hearing about all this hate from the right about gay rights. I don’t see the hate they are talking about. I think most people that are conservative are much like myself in their opinions.

I don’t care if you are gay, that is your business, I have never treated gay people any different then I have treated anyone else. I do firmly believe that your sex life belongs at home in the bedroom, not in the public forum. Who you are or are not sleeping with is none of my business, it’s yours and should be kept that way.

As a human being I have the right to think and believe what I wish, as an American I am guaranteed the protection of those rights. I also have the right if I wish to perceive the gay lifestyle as biologically unnatural, and with no benefit to society. That does not mean I hate or even dislike gay people, I simply disagree with what they are doing.

Broader acceptance of gays came about through a well thought out PR campaign of personalizing gays as your friend, family member, neighbor, etc… I don’t have an issue with gay people wanting to feel accepted for who they are as an individual, that is something everyone wants. The gay community and their supporters were not satisfied with that goal though.

That is where the problem begins for many of us though, we are willing to give you the respect you desire, in turn we ask that you do the same for us. Respect and understanding have to be mutual, but calling people hateful and bigots because their moral compass points in a different direction then yours does not promote support for your cause.

Now we have people being forced to accept something that may violate the core values and teachings they have based their life on. The gay community and it’s supporters can’t seem to realize, or chose to ignore that they have gone from being the oppressed to the oppressors. They have become the bigots and haters, from dreamers to screamers.

Oh No It’s the RFRA, Cue the Left-Wing Nutjobs

A little speculation on my part…

Oh no Indiana passed a law just like 19 other states have previously. The federal government passed a similar law, it passed the House unanimously and the Senate 97-3 and it was signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1993.  Nineteen states started passing their own laws when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1997 that the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act signed did not apply to the states.

Obama while serving in the Illinois State Senate voted on the Illinois version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which had very similar language to the federal law. It passed the Illinois Senate 56-0 and became law on July 1, 1998.

So that leaves us with the question of why the left, who have already voted for bills just like this, are freaking out so much over this one. I’m guessing they are practicing selective memory because they need to push their agenda. With them having nothing else to really coalesce around recently, and knowing they can’t allow their minions time to think for themselves, lest support dwindle.

Of course any bill with the word “religious” in the name, no matter it’s purpose, must be anti-gay according to the left. Even if it’s not, the left takes every opportunity to push their anti-religious and Christian agenda. Too many of us still have a solid moral foundation based on our Judeo-Christian beliefs. That really bothers the left, because it highlights their weak moral fiber and hinders their agenda at the same time.

So if you see the left slip into selective memory mode, usually indicated with a feeding frenzy by the main stream media on a seemingly minor issue, they blow into a major one. Look for what they are trying to draw your attention away from. The obama administration is quite adept at using this tactic also, if one looks closely I would bet there are many ties between the players in both the administration and the media.

It didn’t take the players on the left very long to spring into action, Gov. Malloy from Conn is signing an executive order restricting state funded travel to Indiana. San Fransisco and Seattle have taken similar action on a municipal level. They are calling it a boycott, I call it discrimination against the people of Indiana. Apparently the citizens of Indiana and the state are not allowed to exercise the right of statehood and have their own rights and freedoms that are guaranteed them as free citizens respected, because the left only believes in tolerance when you agree with them!

A Message from Anonymous

A 17 minute video from Anonymous.


“because i’m white”

“because i’m white” is my new blog I am going to be working on along with this one. The new blog is dedicated to trying to get people involved in talking about race relations in America. As most of you probably know, the state of race relations really sucks in our country right now. The first step is to get people thinking about it, this is my attempt at step one.

Grow a Pair and Get Some Integrity

I really wish the democrats would grow a pair and just be honest about their feelings and intentions on the 2nd amendment. It’s called having integrity isn’t it, when you are honest about things. I know I am just acting plain crazy to expect politicians to be honest, especially the democrats.

What has me up in arms right now is the completely dis-honest and deceptive attempt to ban the M855 green tip ball ammo used in the AR-15 sporting rifle. I believe you can combine all previous administrations since America was formed and not match the level of lies and deception practiced by the obama administration.

The ATF, I am sure is acting on direct orders from the white house in pursuing the attempted ban on this ammo. They can’t get what they want through legislation, which is to take all of our guns away, or at least restrict us to weapons we cannot protect ourselves with from a tyrannical government. I have to wonder how many people the administration is paying just to look for back door methods to violate our rights, that is all this ban is. The ammo in question does not qualify as armor piercing ammo by law as described in the U.S. Code, 18 U.S. Code 921 (17) (a) –

(A) The term “ammunition” means ammunition or cartridge cases, primers, bullets, or propellent powder designed for use in any firearm.
(B) The term “armor piercing ammunition” means—

(i) a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely (excluding the presence of traces of other substances) from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or depleted uranium; or
(ii) a full jacketed projectile larger than .22 caliber designed and intended for use in a handgun and whose jacket has a weight of more than 25 percent of the total weight of the projectile.
(C) The term “armor piercing ammunition” does not include shotgun shot required by Federal or State environmental or game regulations for hunting purposes, a frangible projectile designed for target shooting, a projectile which the Attorney General finds is primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes, or any other projectile or projectile core which the Attorney General finds is intended to be used for industrial purposes, including a charge used in an oil and gas well perforating device.
The fact that this ammunition does not meet the requirements by law to be considered armor piercing doesn’t seem to matter to the ATF or obama. When your intentions are to violate our rights, for your own anti American purposes, honesty and integrity don’t enter into the equation. But then where does any integrity enter into it with this administration?
Of course many democrats are urging the ATF to move forward with this illegal ban to “keep dangerous ammunition out of our neighborhoods”. Even law enforcement sources stated that there is no real danger to them from this ammo, which was the reason for the ban according to the ATF. That is because criminals don’t carry AR-15 rifles, and the AR platform pistols that are available on the market are to costly and large for the normal criminal element to purchase or conceal. Take a look and see:
  • Bushmaster – AR pistol $1,228.98/23.5 to 26.75 inches long
  • Rock River Arms – AR pistol $1,175.00/ 23.0 to 26.5 inches long
  • Black Rain Ord – AR pistol $1,197.00/ 32.0 inches long

I only listed 3 here, but if you do some research you will see all of the AR platform pistols all fall into the same general price range and size range. Neither the price nor size is attractive to your average criminal, they can’t conceal them as they can a compact or even mid-frame handgun. Most of the guns recovered by police (used in crimes) are revolvers in.38 caliber and semi-auto handguns in calibers of .22, .32, .380 and .9mm most often. They are purchased on the street for $500.00 or less usually.

The ATF and obama’s decepticons in the administration are simply trying to cause a shortage in the supply and/or cause a spike in the cost of ammo for the AR-15 sporting rifle. They won’t admit their real purpose, but they fear this weapons platform because of it’s popularity with certain segments of the population that the administration does not trust. Truthfully this administration cares nothing about our constitutional rights and would like to totally dis-arm the populace if they could. Too many in our government, especially democrats would like to re-make our country into a police state, so they may have complete control based on a socialist system, not as a constitutional republic as we have now.

I suspect, as do others that the ATF and administration are not done with this yet. They will try an even larger ban most likely, all under the guise of safety for law enforcement. The DOJ has thrown law enforcement to the wolves multiple times, but now that they can use them for their own purpose they are suddenly concerned with their safety. obama and his band of liars and thieves only care about their own agenda and how to accomplish it.

Bullets in the Dark

**Conspiracy Theory** I could be wrong, but I see the feds finding the person that shot the 2 Ferguson police officers. They will of course not be able to take them alive, that’s on purpose. They won’t want him explaining that he was hired to do that, the trail most certainly would lead back to the obama administration.

They will have picked a right wing, ex military, white male, mid 40’s, from a southern state, most likely. I say this because the left has not been able to push the proper agenda with the shootings that have happened so far. All the perpetrators have been liberal nut jobs, the MSM and the left have been foaming at the mouth waiting for a conservative right wing shooter. So why not create one then? This administration will I believe do anything, including murder, to advance their agenda.

At the same time they get police officers questioning if a national police force would give them greater protections. It’s win/win for the scumbags in the government. I hate to say it, but I believe there are many in the administration, starting with obama that don’t give a shit about America. They have their own agenda, either professional or personal, they are not serving for the good of the people.

I hope I am wrong, but this whole situation screams set-up to me.

Obama Kool Aid

You really have to watch what you do sometimes, I dropped my pocket, and before I could grab it my frickin unicorn ate it. I normally wouldn’t care, but I had 10 packs of obama kool-aid in that pocket, liberals would have paid a lot to get their hands on hallucinogenics like that. They will give a year of reality for just a gram of that shit!

Be Aware and Vigilant

I believe we can expect multiple terrorist attacks in the United States in the very near future. obama is not very bright in my opinion, but he has people working in the background that have been planning. Our open border is paramount to getting the right people into the country.

These people (terrorists) will, through bombings or large scale attacks at malls or similar locations will create terror and fear among the populace.
The FBI, DHS, etc… will conveniently not have any intel in advance to stop the attacks, even though the government is monitoring pretty much all electronic communications in the country.

The administration will use these attacks to scare people into wanting to accept their goal for a national police force. The excuse being that with better cooperation at every level, these attacks can be stopped. But the only way to get that cooperation needed to protect the people is with one police force from coast to coast.
There are currently only approximately 500,000 people in law enforcement across the country at the federal, state and local level. I believe we will will start seeing a drastic increase in those numbers in the near future also.

That is also the reason for the attacks on our second amendment rights, there are too many of us that are armed for the government to take our guns away. Since their efforts at legislation have failed, and operation choke point came to light, they have attacked the ammo supply for the AR-15, in the hopes of causing shortages in supply.

Be aware and vigilant people, obama only has 2 years left for whatever he plans, I believe things will escalate quickly since his administration has failed in a lot of their attempts so far.