About The Project

I’m using the name  “Frog breath Condensation Project” because it signifies something that would seem to make no sense, and sounds ridiculous. That is what the politicians in Washington seem to be doing, things that make no sense,  saying and doing things that sound ridiculous. My purpose here is to deliver content that helps bring into focus the reality America finds itself in. I may not have solutions to all of our problems, but when possible I will try and point to sources that offer real ideas of what can be done.

Whenever possible my data and statistics will be drawn from U.S. Government websites, or a reputable substitute.

From my posts it will be quite obvious that I am a conservative. I don’t support the Republican Party simply because I am a conservative though. I don’t believe either party really gives a dam about “We the People” anymore.

All comments are open on this blog, I don’t believe someone should have to give out personal information simply to get involved in the conversation.

I am a high school drop-out (got my G.E.D in 1977), U.S. Navy Veteran, electrician and skilled in most of the construction trades. I do computer repair on the side and as a hobby.

I grow up in a single parent family and had several step-fathers growing up. I started my working career at the age of 12 working part-time after school and on week-ends at a horse ranch, quit school at 16 and went to work full time.

I was raise roman catholic and later became a christian, I used to attend church fairly regularly. I believe in God but no longer go to church.

On the darker side I had issues in my past with drugs and alcohol, not proud of it nor ashamed of it, decisions I made. Decisions I have used to learn and grow as a human.

I believe my life experiences have given me enough understanding of reality to speak out as I do. That and my obligation and right as an American citizen requires me to speak out.

Hope this help to understand where I am coming from, and thanks for visiting my blog and giving me a chance to be heard.

2 responses to “About The Project

  1. Love it!!! Maybe Obama will try to invest our precious tax dollars in your project since it is cutting edge green technology!

  2. I put the ‘under construction’ comment on ‘the true goals of islam’ page. I share your perspective and have a somewhat similar background. As far as ‘under construction’ goes, it gives me the same irritation that ‘out-of-stock’ does on marketing websites. Other than that, kudos for speaking out for many others who share your ideas. Endeavor to persevere!

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