Monthly Archives: July 2015

The Propaganda Machine Needs repairing

I know, I know, you are wondering why I seem to be wasting time on something like this when there are so many more important things going on in our country. And I understand, but exposing how the democrats constantly use propaganda on the no and low information voters is important also. I am going to share this post that is circulating around the web from “occupy democrats”, and break it down a little. I’m not a big fan of the republicans, but I will give them a little credit, they don’t seem to reach the lows the democrats do. Well let’s jump in here and see what we’ve got. Here is the photo from occupy demonrats, oops I mean democrats, sorry.

Propaganda at Work

Propaganda at Work

Let us start with the top section of this lovely info-graphic and see where it leads us. You won’t need to pack a lunch, this won’t take long.

Hopple Street Bridge

Hopple Street Bridge

I would guess from the “last night” part this was created and posted on January 20, 2015. This is the Hopple Street bridge overpass in Cincinnati, Oh, that spans over I-75. What occupy democrats (and the democratic party in general) try to create here is an emotional response when tied in with the phrase further down the picture. What they fail to mention is that this bridge was no longer in service and was in the process of being demolished. A new bridge was already in service, and the collapse was contractor error and had nothing to do with any politics from either party.
From –18 Months Later, The Hopple St. Bridge Collapse

Now when you add the next section of the picture it implies that the republicans are responsible for the bridge collapse due to their action (or in-action) on the infrastructure bill.

From The Fiscal Times – 478 Billion Infrastructure Bill Blocked by Senate GOPLet’s see what this article says…

What I see dick durbin saying here is both parties used to care, and couldn’t wait to get on the committee to help their district.
Of course we see in the second paragraph where dick has to make sure he throws in the “Tea Party” to elicit that emotional response and create more talking points. I am sure he understands that the Tea Party representation is too small to make or break any legislation on their own. The GOP leadership does everything it can to minimize the effect of the Tea Party members also. Neither party is happy with the Tea Party because they won’t play the “politics as usual” game in Washington.

Back to the main point though, the info-graphic says a few months ago senate republicans blocked the bill. Correct me if I’m wrong here, but isn’t obama in his 7th year in office? And how long did he have a majority in the house and senate? If the democrats were so concerned about the infrastructure why was nothingĀ  done then? That’s okay though, they did nothing for years when they had control, but let’s blame the republicans from a vote a few months ago.

Which brings us to the last piece of this oh so cool little propaganda picture.
We can re-visit my previous point here, hasn’t obama been in office for 7 years, with a democratic majority for part of that time? So if we are still spending $700,000,000,000 a year on war, who should we question?

Liberalis Moronis

Archaeologists have uncovered what they believe to be the first liberal, judging by the DNA profile it is between 200,000 and 250,000 years old. It appears to be a sub-species of Neanderthal man, scientists have dubbed as Homo Liberalis Moronis. Thought to be extinct hundreds of thousands of years ago, recent research in genome types have lead researchers to believe that there are many direct descendents still living.

They were initially thought to be hard to spot, researchers have compiled a list of the more obvious traits you can use to identify Liberalis Moronis.

Low I.Q.
Inability to think or act as individuals
Unnatural sexual habits
Strange affinity for shiny objects
Unexplained fear of any form of self defense
Innate ability to ignore the obvious

The most modern descendents can also be identified through their constant and repetitious use of garbled phrases such as obama, hillary, gun control, christians, conservatives, microaggression, etc… Other common words you can identify them with are any of the isms, such as racism, sexism and so on, they create isms at an astounding rate.

If you do identify one of these Liberalis Moronis, do not approach them directly at any time with factual information, it can cause them to become verbally abusive and possibly even go into convulsions, physically and mentally. If you find yourself in this position just use the phrase “social justice”, it puts them in a catatonic state that allows them to be lead about easily.