Eat Shit, You Deserve it!

I really want to remain silent, I am disgusted by the America people that have sat on their fucking asses for all these years doing nothing while our country was ravaged by the evil and nasty fuckers on the left. You know what, I can’t remain silent, I tried, but you fuckers that are more talk then walk piss me off more then the assholes wrecking our country! At least the evil fuckers were willing to take a stand, not like you so called patriots, that are too busy washing your vagina and dreaming of your righteousness! What the fuck have you done beside sit behind your fucking keyboards and complain? Ya know what, fuck you, I have tried since the late 70’s to get people to listen! When you could have done something that would have made a difference, you were too busy too care about your rights, so shut the fuck up or stand up! The time has come where you either have to stand up or bend over farther! So are you going to continue being a bitch for the left or are you going to stand the fuck up like a real American?

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