I have been saying since the late 1970’s what the gay agenda was about, we are unfortunately right where I feared we would end up being. Right where I warned people it would lead us, with the gay marriage issue. It’s more then that though, I saw then (in the late 70’s) that it would also be used to infringe on our religious rights and beliefs. I did not understand then what a progressive or a liberal really was, nor the danger they would become to our society and country with their narrow minded and bigoted attitudes. Had I realized back then the real danger, I would have worked harder to combat their “I hate America” agenda!

I dressed like the hippies of the 60’s and 70’s, had the long hair and the beard also. I listened to the same music, but I was conservative and in the late 70’s started to see and speak about how the 60’s would really hurt our country. I saw very little good in the “peace and love” generation and the distinctly different set of morals and values they wanted to foster on us as a nation. Many of them are our political leaders and university professors and administrators now, their socialist and/or communist beliefs and practices are paraded quite openly. Such as their use of the Cloward-Piven Strategy and constant reliance on Saul Alinsky’s last book “Rules for Radicals”, published in 1971. The gay agenda was just one more attack against our society, it was, and still is, I believe just one more tool the left (democrats) is using to re-make America, their true agenda.

I believe it would be a safe bet to say that many democrats are actually anti-gay in their private life, but their agenda comes before all else. Before honesty or integrity even, in my opinion. Most of the politicians have not had to battle too hard on this issue, there are rabid pro-gay groups that don’t care who they drag through the mud, nor if the mud is even real. Several gay organizers have come out recently concerning the tactics they have used in their fight. They have stated that they did what ever “ends justified the means” to accomplish their goal, that  goal being to legitimize an immoral lifestyle.

They show no regard for other peoples rights or beliefs, and have no problem stretching the facts or studies to match the words they are using. Accomplishing their goal, even with the negative consequences on our society, is all that matters to them. One of them admitted openly that they were indoctrinating children, and that they had no regrets in doing so. If they have to brain wash children to get them to accept their ideas and lifestyle, I’m guessing even they realize (if only sub-consciously)  that something is wrong. I believe that is part of the reason they strive so hard for acceptance of what they do, they need to legitimize it even in their own mind. Broader social acceptance helps them to quell those voices from within.

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