Monthly Archives: February 2015

The Plot (bullshit) Thickens

Some of you may have noticed the propaganda coming from the government lately concerning people on the right. They want to demonize people like the Tea Party and pretty much anyone that is conservative if they can. They want us to believe that some people on the right are a greater threat then radical islamic terrorists can be to America.

I’m talking about sovereign citizens, these are people that don’t accept the authority of the government in their lives. I personally have never met one of these people, nor has any one I know.

Of course CNN tells stories with no real proof, they want us to believe there have been 24 attacks since 2010 from these sovereign citizens. That is what they report, but can only cite one such incident, and it was by an ex-employee of the TSA, that sounds more like a disgruntled employee then anything else. Their big source is the southern poverty law center, which is a far left wing organization that considers any one on the right to be a danger. All you have to do is believe in your constitutional rights and you are a danger according to them.

I have supported the Tea Party since it’s inception, simply because I believe in limited government and that the government has a responsibility to be fiscally responsible with our tax dollars. Every conservative that I know understands that we need a government for our country to function properly, none of us is anti-government. We just want our government to do the job we sent them to Washington to do.

Most importantly, we want them (the government) to respect our constitutional rights, the rights they have a responsibility to protect. Yet our current administration spends more time, money and effort trying to strip us of our rights then they do anything else. In turn they label any one that speaks out against them and their efforts as a domestic terrorist or at the very least anti government.

They have infiltrated every level of government from the federal level right down to local government. They want to, and are re-writing our history through common-core, white privilege and critical race theory in education at all levels from primary through secondary level.

I never thought being an American Patriot would be seen as a bad thing, but that is what the left and our current administration are trying to do. They are trying to make what is good and right seem wrong, and their perverted and demented immoral behavior into the norm.


D.H.S Funding

The republicans in the house have actually done their job for once, they are trying to de-fund obama’s amnesty action with the bill to fund homeland security. The democrats in the senate are holding it up though. The problem is if the bill doesn’t pass, our border patrol agents may not get paid after this week. And it may allow as many as 5 million illegals to get social security numbers, and the administration is trying to give them retroactive tax credits for up to four years worth up to $24,000 each. That is our tax money obama and the democrats are trying to give away to criminals.

I believe obama has multiple goals in mind here, trying to create additional democratic voters with these illegals. He is also trying to push us further into debt and create more financial problems to break the government, see Cloward & Piven and you will understand. I believe the third goal is to create more of a divide in the country.

No matter what the administrations goals are here, they are breaking the law even in allowing these illegal aliens to remain in our country. How many laws do they need to break and ignore before the house and senate do their job and put a stop to this lawlessness?

Rant Over

My next article will be serious, I had to vent though with the rant, it’s been building for a while. I don’t hate anyone nor do I wish violence or harm on anyone unless they wish to do me harm, then all bets are off. I do have serious issues with the muslims that have migrated here, because I firmly believe they are here to do harm to every aspect of our society that they can, our persons included.

Hate Crime?

**Caution: This post contains vulgar language, and hate filled racist rhetoric**

(beginning of rant)
Muslims around the world are outraged over the killing of three muslims in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, it has to be a hate crime according to them. Why does it have to be, because they kill everyday because of their hate of everyone that is not a muzzie like them? If I sound like I have a little anger on this subject, that is because I do. They are killing thousands of people everyday around the world simply because they don’t follow the ramblings of their pedophile, goat fucking prophet mo-ham-head. But that’s different because their evil koran tells them it’s ok.

Their profit, mo-ham-head.

Their profit, mo-ham-head.

So ya, considering the situation, I do have serious issues with any muslim crying about hate, their very existence is a pox on the world. If you believe there are peaceful muslims, you are fooling yourself. Let me ask a simple question, why don’t (or won’t) the so-called peaceful ones (muslims) take a stand against the radical muslims? Because they support everything they do, that is why they don’t speak out.

According to what I have read, there are 1.8 billion (approximately) muslims in the world, but only 25% are radical muslims. So that means there is a paltry 4,500,000 crazy fuckers out there that want to kill us, simply because we don’t follow their pedophile.

It’s very clear from the evidence that the situation in Chapel Hill was about parking spaces, but the muzzies have to try and use it as propaganda to bolster their position as a victim class in the U.S. If you do a little reading, you will find out that there is almost zero attacks on muslims in the United States. Every time there is one (very rare) they go off like it is a daily occurrence and they live in constant fear. It’s called propaganda, they learned from the gays how to play the victim card really well.

Of course the muslim P.O.S in the white house rushed to condemn the murders and the feds are going out of their way to see if he violated any federal laws. I wish the fuck he would stand up like that when a muzzie kills an American. What about Fort Hood, just work place violence, right, bullshit! obama is clearly a fuckin muzzie himself, actions speak louder then words, and his actions are screaming loudly!

The muzzies are right about one thing, there is an anti-muslim bias from some people in the U.S., I am proudly part of that group. They come to our country, refuse to assimilate on purpose. Assault our values and morals and try to change our traditions and laws to suit them and their fucking half-assed sharia law. But that shouldn’t create any bias, all they are doing is insulting everything we stand for and believe in.

If their so-called religion and sharia law is so great then ask yourself why they came here. Every thing they believe in existed in the country they came from, why move to a country that may be hostile to that? So what is their real purpose? They have told us straight out what they want, for islam to dominate the world, it’s not a fuckin secret people!

The best thing we can do for America is put their asses back on a plane (without enough fuel) to where ever they came from. We need to stop believing their lies, taqiyya is what it is called, that is where their religion allows them to be dis-honest and lie and mis-lead people. What kind of religion can it be to have a built-in deception device in it? Like the muzzie girl in Texas that just made up a story about being threatened by a guy with a gun, wearing camo of course ( Wake the fuck up people before it’s someone your know that is killed by a crazy nut job muzzie practicing work place violence!

(end of rant)


Back on Track

Hello everyone, I hope I am back on track now. I had other things going on that were taking time away from this. I have decided that this needs to be my priority, I am not always right, but I try to see through the garbage the mainstream media (all 6 corporations) puts out there at the behest of the obama administration and their minions of evil.

So I am going to invest some money, get the dot com and try and make this fly the way it should.