Monthly Archives: January 2015

Motivation Equals Dollars In America

The current state of the media in United States completely sucks, on both the left and the right. Half the stuff (can’t call them articles) they even write is a crappy half written article about things that are not even real news. I think a subject or situation should affect a minimum number of people for it to even be considered news. A story about something that affects 2 people in a country of 315,000,000 should not be considered news.

It seems that driving traffic to make money is more of a concern then delivering any real product, I understand a business is there to make money, so if they expect to, shouldn’t they offer something of real value in return? The majority of the left wing rags are so agenda driven they make criminals look integrity filled by comparison. I would like to say they stretch the truth, but that in itself would be stretching it. And the ones on the right feel they need to slant the facts even if the facts are already in their favor.

None of them it seems can barely hire anyone that can prove their journalism degree was earned, they just hang on the wall. What happened to the “what, when, where, why and how” of journalism that is supposed to be included in your article. Many articles should come with a disclaimer “facts not included” or “some settling of information may have occurred during shipping”.

I think I finally understand what the word media means “Motivation Equals Dollars In America”.