I’m Offended Because…(fill in the blank)

What the f**k is wrong with America? People can’t say anything anymore without some f**kin moron being offended. Believe me I think hell should have a special section set aside for teacher union presidents. But I mean come on people, she made an analogy:

“I have filed several complaints for teachers who have been screamed at, pushed and intimidated so badly that it reminds me of the ‘cotton fields’ of the past,” Moore wrote in the email.

In a since-sent apology email, Moore wrote that she “never meant to downplay the atrocities from the years of slavery in this county.”

Were slaves the only ones who ever picked cotton in America, did the cotton just pick itself once slavery ended? So the cotton has magically picked itself for 150 years now, I never did it, but I have friends (white friends) that picked cotton in their youth.

People have gotten out of hand any more, some times it’s ok to tell people to just STFU, you meant nothing by it, if they are offended it’s on them, it’s their problem for looking for something to be offended by in everything.

Here is the article I am referencing: http://dailycaller.com/2014/12/05/teachers-union-president-sorry-for-comparing-teaching-to-picking-cotton/

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