Monthly Archives: December 2014

Making the Thin Blue Line Thicker

It really aggravates the f**k out of me to see these protestors out on the streets protesting against law enforcement. I have had my own personal issues with police officers, not in a good manor either I can assure you. I spent 2 years dealing with a mild case of PTSD brought on by the Evans police kicking in my door for no reason and throwing my ass in jail. I have had other issues with law enforcement over the years that were not a positive experience in my favor either.

The Thicker Blue Line

The Thicker Blue Line

But you know what, it has not stopped me from supporting law enforcement, though I have had issues with certain officers, the big picture requires that I focus on the letter of the law, not the one doing the spelling. Yes there are bad officers, just as there are bad doctors, bad electricians, bad accountants, etc… Every field has people that don’t belong in the field, law enforcement is different though because of the long term affect their actions can have on an individual and their future. What aggravates me to no end is that blue wall that protects the really bad officers that have no place being a police officer. If you as an officer protect another officer that blatantly violates someones rights, you are no better then they are and deserve to lose your badge just as well as they do.

Even though I do have my personal issues with law enforcement I still have to back them all the way. If an officer required assistance in any way, and I was able to provide that assistance, I consider it my obligation as a citizen to do so. Even in a life threatening situation, he (or she) is willing to put themselves on the line as a police officer, I believe we have the same obligation to back them. I don’t understand these protestors and their very shallow view of reality. Do they understand that without law enforcement we would be living in a situation very similar to the 1850’s or so. They say they hate guns, but without qualified law enforcement officers everyone would need to open carry at the very least a handgun. The very people they are protesting against are the difference between a civilized society and a some what polite but violent society at best.

As a Tea Party member and a III%’er I have an obligation to stand behind the laws of our country, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. As such I also have an obligation to stand behind those that enforce those laws, and though I can’t stand behind every officer as individuals, I must stand behind law enforcement as a whole. As I stated previously there are some bad officers, just as you can’t judge all gun owners on the actions of a few, you can’t judge all police officers on the actions of a few.

You really have to question the motivation of anyone protesting against local law enforcement officers, they apparently have reasons to want to foster the complete breakdown of society. Yet are completely incapable of understanding the ramifications of a breakdown, and the real outcome of a situation of that nature. Complete lawlessness would ensure, and those on the left with a hatred for firearms would be the most affected and the least protected. They don’t seem to understand they would be the most persecuted group of individuals in that situation, as they would be the least protected in society.

The bottom line is this, the thin blue line is made thicker by the support many of us have for law enforcement, especially us veterans, such as myself. We understand not only the purpose of law enforcement, but the need for it, if we are to maintain any kind of civilized society in any way. Many urban areas in the United States are a prime example on a small scale of what our society can degenerate into without respect for the law.

Turning the Thin Blue Line Black

There is a lot going on in America concerning law enforcement lately. From the grand jury decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases to the use of the federal 1033 program to militarize local law enforcement agencies, there is much to be concerned about. Of major concern is the unbelievable and drastic rise in the use of Swat style raids, even for minor infractions of the law. Though it’s not readily apparent, it is all connected in my opinion. Some of you may think I need to put on my tin foil hat here, but I believe my theory is more real then conspiracy. How many of you have heard obama’s remarks about wanting his own national police force equipped just like the military?
Listen for yourself:

Let me list a few things here, and then I will connect the dots between them and the formation of a national police force, under the thumb of the Washington elites.

The federal government can have a big affect on state and local law enforcement agencies through the policies and actions of the DOJ, FBI, HLS and ICE at the federal level, and they can cause a lot of frustration and anger by using the courts at all levels. Look at the affect of illegal immigration, or the release of violent felons (illegals) that were released back into the general public. Local police threatened if they detain or arrest many of these people.

The people that want a national police force understand one important factor that must considered. In this whole equation, the rank and file majority of law enforcement officers across the country would have to join in the effort to create this force, for it to work. There are approximately 12,500 police departments with approximately 500,000 employees in the United States. Each one of these departments have their own unique chain of command, internal politics, rules and standards that vary by department size and type. Over coming the problems created by trying to merge all of these people into one organization would be almost impossible.

The answer to this problem is to create a want and perceived need at each level of law enforcement. This is where the federal 1033 program comes in, this is the first taste of what could be. And it is easy to draw the prey (officers) into the trap, they offer all of these new toys to play with at no charge. Military grade weapons and equipment will be needed down the road, so in this manner they get the officers to learn the weapons and equipment voluntarily. Due to the nature of their job it is easy to convince officers that they need this equipment, step one accomplished.

Now we start phasing in these fusion centers, you need to click the link here to read the stated purpose of these centers:

This is step two, bring together different law enforcement agencies under one roof, start giving them a little bigger taste of what could be, still at no charge of course (it’s on us, the taxpayer). One of the other purposes is to start trying to standardize the procedures by which all law enforcement agencies operate, new procedures will of course be called suggestions to streamline operational objectives and goals (get everyone on the same page). And promote higher levels of inter-agency co-operation.

Many of us are concerned about the drastic increase in two important developments in law enforcement, those are the rise from several thousand Swat type raids each year to over 40,000 each year currently. The other development is the increased use of force as a first reaction by many officers, the main excuse is officer safety. It is clear from video and eye witness accounts that much of this force was not justified in many cases. The government is encouraging the Swat type raids through the issuance of high levels of military hardware (1033 program), once they have the equipment they will want to use it. They want as many officers experienced in these types of home entry as possible, possible future gun confiscations will require large numbers of officers to be skilled in these tactics. By encouraging tactics like this, officers in both urban and rural departments are all learning standardized methods.

Another major concern is the court approved hiring of less qualified individuals, lower I.Q. applicants being accepted over more intelligent ones. The excuse being that more intelligent people would lose interest in the job and move on to a new career, thus wasting training time and money. The reality is quite different I believe, in truth the purpose is to fill the ranks with people that will question less and simply follow orders as instructed. The obvious problem of constantly hiring people with lower intelligence is the upper ranks will eventually fill with these people through promotions. This will not be an issue if the shots are being called by a group of people say in Washington maybe, instead of at a local level.

I mentioned creating a want earlier in this article. Look at what a lot of state and local governments and police departments seem to be doing with policies and attitudes that are dramatically affecting officer moral. They are being aided by the media in this also, consider how quickly the media shut up about the lack of use of the national Guard in the Ferguson situation. The media brought it up, but quickly dropped it because their masters told them to. How was officer moral affected knowing no one had their back in that situation. By slowly breaking down moral over time they are creating a problem that they will promote later as being solved by consolidating police departments on a national level. Demoralized officers will have interest in this because they will be shown how it will benefit them, of course officer safety will be promoted highly as one of the greatest benefits involved. Step three accomplished, how many officers will  volunteer because they have been convinced it is in their best interest? Because one department with common goals will better protect them, not just on the job but in retirement also. Creating the us against them environment, where the public is the enemy is also aiding in creating the “want” that will help push police officers towards the one department idea.

Ask yourself who really benefits from the protests against the police that are happening around the country. What do they do to officer moral? They clearly give the impression to police officers that bigger is better when it comes to dealing with protests and possible civil unrest. Who can offer bigger and better then a coordinated federal police force.

Just something to think about…


New Second Amendment Section Added

I just added a new category on the News Sites and Blogs page, scroll down to the bottom and you will find the new “Second Amendment & Gun Sites” section. I will keep adding to this category as there are a lot of good sites out there for second amendment issues as well as guns and reviews.

Clueless Classes of Millennial Masses

You might have read the story about Columbia Law School letting it’s students postpone exams, the reason is really hard to believe. Because of the personal trauma experienced by the students due to the Grand Jury decisions in both the Brown and Garner cases. Georgetown University Law Center and Harvard Law School have jumped on the band wagon with Columbia, because we have clueless classes full of millennial masses.

William Desmond, one of the editors of the Harvard Law Review, wrote in The National Law Journal in defense of the request, titled “Delaying Exams is not a request from Coddled Millennials.”  As an adult that is exactly what I would call it, an excuse for coddled millennials. He is concerned for “students who have been confronting the aftermath of the recent failed grand jury indictments of the officers who killed the unarmed black men.” He doesn’t bother to explain in what way the grand juries failed, that is how our young people are taught today though, facts should not get in the way of your emotional decisions, they just clutter up your mind. Keep in mind these students are in law school, not liberal arts or gender studies program.

I have to question the type of lawyers these students will be, if as William Desmond says “over the last few weeks many law students have experienced moments of total despair, minutes of inconsolable tears and hours of utter confusion.”  He further continues by stating “I have seen the psychological trauma brought on by disillusionment with our justice system send some law students into a period of depression. After all, every death of an unarmed youth at the hands of law enforcement is a tragedy.”

Where is the concern from these millennials about all of the deaths of unarmed youth at the hands of gangbangers, drug dealers and criminals in places like Chicago, New York or Los Angeles. The number of those deaths pales in comparison to those statistics. I guess the leftist agenda is already well established in these students, so those lives have no value because they were not at the hands of law enforcement, thus no political or social justice value. As a black male I would think Mr. Desmond would be more concerned with those numbers. I would guess after four years at Yale and three at Harvard, he came from money or has seen a lot of affirmative action. Either way, after seven years in the ivory towers I am sure he is well insulated from a life on the streets.

To me the whole article is just a list of excuses, and a good example of the quality of people our education system is indoctrinating. Click the link above to read the whole article.


I’m Offended Because…(fill in the blank)

What the f**k is wrong with America? People can’t say anything anymore without some f**kin moron being offended. Believe me I think hell should have a special section set aside for teacher union presidents. But I mean come on people, she made an analogy:

“I have filed several complaints for teachers who have been screamed at, pushed and intimidated so badly that it reminds me of the ‘cotton fields’ of the past,” Moore wrote in the email.

In a since-sent apology email, Moore wrote that she “never meant to downplay the atrocities from the years of slavery in this county.”

Were slaves the only ones who ever picked cotton in America, did the cotton just pick itself once slavery ended? So the cotton has magically picked itself for 150 years now, I never did it, but I have friends (white friends) that picked cotton in their youth.

People have gotten out of hand any more, some times it’s ok to tell people to just STFU, you meant nothing by it, if they are offended it’s on them, it’s their problem for looking for something to be offended by in everything.

Here is the article I am referencing:

Oliver Twist(ed) Friedfeld’s Story!

Bad Language Warning: Because this pisses me the fuck off beyond belief! I couldn’t believe this was a real story at first!

What the fuck is wrong with this Oliver Twist(ed) Friedfeld moron? And he may be part of our government someday. Though the government is already filled with the same level of stupidity exhibited by this Oliver Twist(ed) fool. He deserved to get robbed because of his privilege, he says he believes that those with privilege should just adapt to crime. This time his assailants were not violent, what of the many who are mugged and beaten, or raped, stabbed or shot in the commission of a crime of this nature? What the fuck is wrong with this guy?


Not once did he consider their attackers to be bad people. “They wanted my stuff, not me. While I don’t know what exactly they needed the money for, I do know that I’ve never once had to think about going out on a Saturday night to mug people. I had never before seen a gun, let alone known where to get one.” I don’t know who or what decides who is privileged or not privileged or at what level privilege kicks in. But it is quite clear that this individual is completely clueless to the reality that many of us live, and the sorrow and pain many families experience because violent crime has taken a loved one away from them.

He can hardly blame his assailants because of income inequality, and some bullshit of otherization. They were two criminals that robbed him and his room mate at gunpoint. But it’s not their fault that they are the garbage of society, it’s the wrongs of the past, according to Oliver Twist(ed). He doesn’t, like all liberal morons mention any specific wrongs of the past that need addressing. But these wrongs are clearly having an effect on these poor gun toting young men of high moral fiber, who’s investment in the local crack house did not pay off with any dividends this quarter. Thus forcing them to create a temporary level of privilege for themselves, based on someone else’s hard work and effort.

Apparently this Oliver twist-ed has wealthy parents or family, this has allowed  him to live a life of privilege. One that has afforded him all the comforts of life, and an education most can only dream of. An education that clearly has taught him nothing of the real world, yet through the School of Foreign Service he may someday be a member of the State Department, possibly in control of important decisions concerning our country. I have to assume that it is his privilege that has gotten him to this point in his life, it certainly is not his grasp on reality, he has none. I am guessing he has never gotten off of his over privileged ass and done a day of work in his life, he clearly has no idea that someone in his family had to earn the money that he is coasting through life on.

He trots out the old income inequality excuse for the two scumbags that robbed him.  How fucking clueless is this guy? Who makes excuses for the criminal, especially criminals that commit armed robbery. This just really pisses me off, what kind of schools and teachers do we have in our country at all levels of the education system if we are turning out complete morons and idiots like this. Someone could have been injured or even died during the robbery if things had gone differently.

This is a big part of what is wrong with America, we have people telling us that all white people are racists because of privilege (white privilege), just by virtue of birth. We have liberals like this idiot Oliver twist-ed telling us that some people because of their social and or financial privilege should not expect to have the same protections or rights the Constitution and the Bill of Rights guarantees the rest of us. Even more disturbing is the idea that criminals are not responsible for their own behavior, but some perceived wrong from the past is the real culprit. So we should do what? Grant to the criminal element in our society special rights to make them a privileged class, based on some yet unstated past wrongs the liberals all agree exist yet cannot to this day ever seem to make an actual list of.

I know this sounds totally ridiculous and insane, but to me this whole story from Oliver twist-ed sounds that way. After reading it multiple times I still can’t grasp that this is a true story, it sounds like a script for a TV show more then reality. The worst part of it all is there are way to many clueless liberals and morons in our society, that don’t seem to grasp reality. If you try to rob me at gun point or break into my house I am going to shoot you, plain and fucking simple, that is all the reality you need to grasp. You won’t be the first one to take a shot at me, but I will do my best to make sure it is your last shot, ever. How do you expect someone to respond if you are threatening their life or their family?

I still cannot grasp the reality here, that reality being where our country and society are headed. It’s not even about the number of people that have fallen victim to the liberal garbage corrupting our society. It’s the fact that they can spread this garbage so easily through their control of the education system, both primary and secondary. That is what is making their agenda so effective is the total control, common core is an extension of that agenda. Why do you think they (the liberals and democrats) are pushing so hard for universal preschool, an earlier start to the indoctrination of our children. How do you think the system is turning out morons that believe they deserved to be a victim.

Why do you think common core and total control is so important to them. They know with time and control of the circumstances they can eventually teach kids to give up their Constitutional Rights and Freedoms voluntarily, without a fight or shot ever being fired. This may seem like a story of just another clueless moron not grasping the reality many of us face in life. But look at the underlying cause and effect that the education system probably played here.

And yes privilege did and does play a role here, but not in the manor you think. Many of the people that end up running our country and our government, come from families of wealth and privilege. Many of these people already have a distorted sense of reality because of their life of privilege and how it shelters them from a normal daily life in America. If they can influence the future leaders and people in government, it is a much smaller group that they need to focus on. With exclusive and Ivy League schools attended primarily by the people they most wish to influence, consider where this could eventually lead us. And see why they need these schools to be the bastions of liberalism they have become.

Consider what we can learn from this story, as fucked up as it is.