Monthly Archives: October 2014

Catching Pigs

From a friend…

There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab, the professor noticed one young man, an exchange student, who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt. The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his
native country who were trying to overthrow his country’s government and install a new communist regime.

In the midst of his story, he looked at the professor and asked a
strange question. He asked: “Do you know how to catch wild pigs?” The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said that it was no joke. “You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come every day to eat the free corn.

pigs fence 1

“When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence.
“They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side.

“The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again. You then slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd. Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.”

The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening in America. The government keeps pushing us toward communism/socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tax exemptions, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, etc. while we continually lose our freedoms, just a little at a time.

round cages

One should always remember two truths: There is no such thing as a free lunch, and you can never hire someone to provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself.
If you see that all of this wonderful government “help” is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America, you might want to send this on to your friends. If you think the free ride is essential to your way of life, then you will probably delete this email. But, God help us all when the gate slams shut!
Quote for today:
“The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living.” — Anonymous

Baseline Budgeting; Washington’s Bait and Switch

The beginning of the article gives you some background on how we came to have our current budget process, leading up to the advent of baseline budgeting. You can skip the history if you like, scroll to where it says “Baseline Budgeting” and start reading from there.

Negotiating in good faith for the people.

Negotiating in good faith for the people.

How many of you have ever heard of Baseline Budgeting? It’s an accounting method the U.S. Government uses in a kind of a bait and switch move. It’s used primarily by the democrats, the republicans have tried to point out it’s use. It gives the democrats propaganda they can use with the voters back home. It allows them to claim they implemented or helped to implement budget cuts to benefit everyone.

Before the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921was passed, there were many departments in the Executive and Legislative branches of government that all had individual budgets that needed to be passed. The main objective of the bill was to consolidate the budgets of those departments in both branches into a single government budget. The act also created the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), their purpose was to facilitate the consolidation of multiple departmental budgets among both branches. They also assist the President in assembling the budget for presentation to and consideration by Congress.

Just as the act created the OMB in the Executive Branch, it also created the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in the Legislative Branch. It’s main purpose was to be a non-partisan audit, evaluation and investigative unit for Congress. It fulfilled part of it’s mission by submitting to Congress, upon request, reports detailing the specific costs of government programs or bills brought before Congress. They also supply annual reports on the financial condition of the government.

No real significant changes came about in the budget process until they passed the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974. The passage of this act was necessitated due to actions taken by then President Richard M. Nixon, who with held nearly 12 million dollars in funds already appropriated by Congress. The main purpose in passing this act was to give Congress a stronger and more central role in the budget process. With a secondary purpose of reducing the Presidents impoundment authority, the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921placed to much power over the budget process in the hands of the President.

The side effect of the 1974 act, was to set the stage for eventual baseline budgeting. It required the OMB to set projections of federal spending for the next fiscal year. Section II of the act also created the Congressional Budget office (CBO), it also brought about the creation of separate house and senate budget committees. The CBO was tasked with giving 5 year budget projections, which has now been extended out to 10 years.

Baseline Budgeting

Initially they start the budget process with a baseline budget, which is the budget of the current fiscal year as a starting point, with out any new legislation or spending added.

I will use the Department of Education for my example. The current budget for that department is 78 billion (real number unfortunately), the democrats will propose to hike the budget by 10%, knowing they actually want a 7% budget increase. The bill they propose will have the 10% increase in it.

Publicly and in the media they (the democrats) will boast about how they need the increased funding because they care so much about the children and education. If the republicans can’t see that, they must want to deprive the children, especially low income (liberal keyword for minorities) children from receiving a proper education.

They put up a fight over the 10% increase (with insults flying of course), but in the end they settle for a 7% increase. Now this is where the story gets interesting, because they tell the voters back home that they fought for their children and got a 7% increase for education. And, at the same time will say they are working to keep the deficit under control by cutting 3% from it. What they are not saying is they did not cut a dime. They still have an increase overall from last years budget. They cut the percentage of the increase, not the actual budget, that is the basis of baseline budgeting and politics.

They don’t actual cut the budget, they cut the percentage of the increase to the budget. So what happens is the original figure of 78 billion is increased by 5.46 billion to 83.46 billion. Then the following year the baseline budget for the Department of education will be 83.46 billion, and it starts all over again.

Bringing Ebola Patients Here? WTF

The obama administration wants to bring ebola patients to the U.S. for treatment. Apparently it did not spread as they hoped from the returning medical personnel, so they have to jump start it. I know you are wondering why the administration would want to do this, spread ebola I mean. I am not sure if I buy into all the new world order ideas out there. But so many of his actions are so questionable on many different levels, you do have to wonder. He is either totally incompetent or some else is pulling the strings. In my opinion bringing ebola patients here is endangering American lives, and is treasonous at the very least.

The administration says they won’t bring ebola patients here, yet they release this document stating the exact opposite. So what is up here? Here is a link to the state department memo.

A little Angry, Yes I was…

A little angry, yes I was when I wrote that last post. I could change it now, now that I have calmed down some. But I am not going to for a couple of reasons, my feelings about the people on the left, and about their tactics, have not changed. They stoop to new lows all the time, especially with the mid-term elections a week away. Even when it is not election time, they spend all of their time acting as though it is. With a constant barrage of “the war on women”, followed by a chorus of “climate change, with side order menu choices of racist, sexist, homophobe, islamophobe, misogynist. And when they want to be really insulting they call you a Christian, to them the most evil of all incarnations. But they are managing to rein in your evil, passing laws against your soup kitchens, and food pantries and the dreaded homeless shelter, that scares them the most, with it’s inherent charitable nature.

The other reason is because that is how I truly felt at the moment. My anger, was my honest emotion at the time, and completely warranted by the situation. Christianity is so much under attack in America that they would attack a Pastor, a black Pastor at that. Even though he is a black man and in the protected class, he committed the most egregious of all sins, a sin that no level of political correctness could even overcome. He is supporting a republican, to come out of the closet, so openly, in public. To open himself up to the prejudice and political sodomy that a label like conservative can bring. And the shame he brought down upon his family, will they ever forgive him, will they ever be able to accept his alternate political-style?

In My Lifetime? Fat F**king Chance

**Bad language and Bad attitude Warning**

I have had hope for years that we might be able to find harmony in America in my lifetime. When I see something like this shared online it makes me lose hope and faith in people even more. It makes me angry also, but I already have accepted the fact that the liberals and many of the democrats in our society today are real scumbags. I don’t hear about any death threats against the democrats from the Tea Party or the republicans. So why do we keep hearing about death threats by the democrats and liberals on a regular basis. Almost daily it seems you can find an article from some place around the country where the left threatens to kill or at least maim a supporter on the right.

sarah palin

What the fuck is wrong with these people? It’s politics, it’s an election. Not a gang war on the streets, what kind of little bitches threaten a black Pastor and his family over support of a republican candidate. What kind of pussies break into a church and steal the money being collected to help poor people. What has happened to the left that they find nothing wrong with threatening physical harm over a political agenda? I am guessing it is white people doing this, because if it is black people, they are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. I say this because the democrats have been fucking the black community for 50 years now, if they are willing to put their neck on the line and possibly go to jail for people that are stabbing them in the back like that, they have to be really stupid. I guess it’s all just different levels of stupidity anyways, anyone that makes these threats white or black are just a piece of human waste, the kind that need to be flushed!

mitt romney

Here is the article with a short video (3:16 long) from Pastor Brooks concerning the threats and the theft from the church.

Gov Walker

A piece of shit is a piece of shit, no matter what color, black or white. I don’t know what else to say, I’m sorry for going off like this, but I am sick of these scumbags threatening people when they hide behind a keyboard like a little girl. Come by and see me with your threats, I am a Tea Party member, an NRA member, a veteran and I will be voting conservative across the board.

glenn beckann romneyholly fisherliberal


Charles Barkley, Barks and Bites

If people like Charles Barkley are considered hero’s in the black community, what if any will the affect be of his statement about some black people being “black enough”. Will it be ignored, ridiculed, written off because of his wealth and position, he must be out of touch with “the hood”.

Here is what he said:

”Unfortunately, as I tell my white friends, we as black people, we’re never going to be successful, not because of you white people, but because of other black people. When you’re black, you have to deal with so much crap in your life from other black people. It’s a dirty, dark secret; I’m glad it’s coming out.”

Barkley said that young black men who do well in school are accused of “acting white” by their peers. “One of the reasons we’re never going to be successful as a whole, because of other black people. And for some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don’t break the law, you’re not a good black person. And it’s a dirty, dark secret.”

“There are a lot of black people who are unintelligent, who don’t have success,” he continued. “It’s best to knock a successful black person down because they’re intelligent, they speak well, they do well in school, and they’re successful…”

“We’re the only ethnic group who say, ‘Hey, if you go to jail, it gives you street cred.’ It’s just typical BS that goes on when you’re black, man.”

Does he become an “uncle tom”? For those of you unfamiliar with the term, the urban dictionary defines it as:

  • A term used by black people to insinuate that black people that speak proper English, are mature, have a good job, good education, work ethic and-or if they hang out with white people that makes you a sell out.
  • A black man who will do anything to stay in good standing with “the white man” including betray his own people.
  • A black person that is a white man’s bitch.

If we judge by the trend in music and movies popular in the black community since the 1980’s, his statement seems to be dead on accurate. The glorifying of the thug life, drug dealing and use, misogyny on a grand scale. He speaks of the victimization of the black community, by the black community. Obviously if a white person said the same thing that Charles Barkley did, the response from the main stream media and the black community would be swift and vicious.

Consider the statistics, what they mean, the root cause and most importantly the short and long terms affects on the black community.

  • 72% of black children are born into a single parent family.
  • High school graduation rates for black males vary between 53% and 69% depending on the particular study you read.
  • Incarceration rates of black versus white, the figures varied so widely here I could not cite a specific percentage accurately. The numbers appear to be agenda driven in many cases, though it is clearly higher for black males.

Contrast what Charles Barkley said with the numbers and it is easy to believe a certain amount of what he said is quite true. Other black community leaders have made statements also in the past concerning the causes of the break down in the black community. They have been similar in nature and scope, pointing to the overall attitude of many in the black community. So Charles Barkley is not alone in his sentiments, though he is in a minority in this.

I have made a statement before, as have others, about many of the problems in the black community, can only be solved within the community. Parents must put more importance on education, monitor their children’s homework and it’s completion, and promote educational goals.

Most importantly (and most studies support this conclusion) is the break down of the family unit. This is an issue in the white community also, but appears to be much more prevalent in the black community. The cause is not one single issue, but multiple issues, many feeding on each other. Poverty is a problem in itself, it feeds into low self-esteem, lack of goals or dreams for the future, depression, etc…

What does it do to a young black child that hears day after day growing up, that they can never be anybody, their life will always be what they see in “the hood”. I can’t understand what it would be like, but I can understand the compound effect of not having a father figure, and the lack of family and community support in creating a future for yourself. I grew up without a father in my life, but I had family and community support pushing me towards getting an education. I saw those around me achieving goals, it allowed me the opportunity to see that opportunities were there.

Being white I can’t even guess what many in the black community go through. I do know what it was like growing up with out a father, and no goals, no dreams and hopes. I became a juvenile delinquent, dropped out of school, did the petty criminal thing, the drugs and alcohol. As I got older the messages I got as a youth slowly kicked in and I straightened out my life. What if I never received those positive messages as a kid, I would have nothing to build my life on later, as I grew mentally and emotionally.

So many people are trying to create division between the races. This only makes it harder for us to talk about a subject that seems to be taboo to begin with. Until both the black and white communities can be honest with themselves and each other, nothing will change. There are many in the white community that would like to help the black community. They can’t until the black community stops acting as a community and starts seeing itself as families and individuals. Each with different ideas and goals and dreams. Until everyone stops talking about color and starts talking about community, one community, too many dreams will remain missing and shattered.

I’m sorry if I rambled on so much on this, I have always felt passionate about this subject. For 30 or so years I have seen this problem as one of individuals, not as black and white. Over that time I have also seen the two communities drift father apart. I don’t have any solutions to offer, but to say without dialogue we will continue to drift even farther apart.


Get Out and Vote!

This is an important year for the mid-term elections, possibly the most important vote in some of our lives. The important thing here is to check out who is running and do your research. Many of our Constitutional rights are under attack by the left .

Unfortunately many of our young people have been taught propaganda in our school systems, so many of them don’t even know the true history of our country or the sacrifices made to protect their freedoms. If you can share your knowledge with someone who needs it, the better informed we are the better chance we have of getting our country back on track.

Here is a voter information tool provided by WordPress,  I have not checked into it much yet so I am not sure how helpful it will be, every tool we can have at our disposal helps.

Radical Islam, Sleeper Cells and Burqa Bans

Have you heard the rumor about there being moderate muslims in the United States? It seems quite a few people have been taken in by the rumor so far. We see people trying to compare the total number of muslims in the world, with the number of radical (jihadist) muslims. It is primarily two groups that are doing this, for totally different reasons though. The first group wishes for it to appear that the radicals (jihadists) are but a tiny fraction of the total. The second group is striving for the opposite effect, to maximize the appearance of radicals (jihadists) as a percentage of the total muslim population worldwide. You would think the actual number is somewhere in the middle of these two figures. I will explain why this is not the case

Most estimates place the total muslim population at approximately 2 billion people across the globe currently. Finding the total number of jihadist  muslims is not a simple task, or so you would think. The primary and most obvious reason, what or who defines what a radical (jihadist) muslim is, right? Are only those actively involved in violence and terrorism to be considered jihadists, along with those actively supporting the terrorists? What of those that give financial support , or moral and spiritual support, are they also to be considered jihadists or radical muslims.

jihadi definejihad define
I think the litmus test here can be defined by their commitment to and practice of sharia law. Sharia means “legislation” in Arabic, and it is applied to all aspects of their society, encompassing religious, civil, criminal, political and even economic law read from a single text. That text is the Qur′an, which means “the recitation” in Arabic, considered to be a revelation from God or “Allah” in Arabic. I stated previously about “what or who defines a jihadist or radical muslim”, well it is the Qur′an and sharia law in my opinion. The Sunni muslim sect, which adhere very strictly to the Qur′an and sharia law make up 85% to 90% of the worlds muslim population.

arabic allah 1
It is estimated by their own admission that 25% of the muslim population support the jihad (holy war) in belief and spirit. Agree or disagree, this makes them jihadists (radicals) in my opinion. Not all radicals have to be actively involved in terrorist or violent activities, a deeply held belief in the jihad and it’s goals makes them just as guilty as those using the trigger and the sword. The other 75% engage in support of the jihad by their failure to condemn the barbaric and primitive actions perpetrated in the name of their God and religion.

There is an important distinction that must be made concerning the difference in perceptions between an infidel (you and I) and a muslim. A muslim does not see islamic attacks as terrorism, to them it is jihad, by perceiving it in this manner they can deny support for terrorism, jihad is not terrorism in their mind.

To be continued…

The Second, Second Amendment…

second amendment
The Second Amendment, from The Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution).

I know you are wondering about the title, “The Second, Second Amendment”. Above is the second amendment as written by our fore fathers, their is a second one. The second one I refer to is how a liberal reads the first, second amendment (confused yet).

The liberal reading: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, until we can regulate them out of existence and then confiscate them all.

We keep hearing it said that the liberals do not want to take our guns, yet every new gun law proposed does nothing to take guns away from criminals or reduce crime in any way. They simply put restrictions on legal gun owners, putting legal gun owners like myself, in a position to question their real motivations. There is no way I can ask the questions without sounding insulting to the gun-control crowd, so I might as well go all out and ask. ARE THEY STUPID? With all of the facts and studies, the non-biased studies that is, painting the same picture, they keep saying the brush is bad. So let’s look at some numbers and facts.

bill of rights

From the estimates I have found there are approximately 270,000,000 guns in the United States in the civilian population. So by those numbers I would guess thousands of people are getting killed everyday with guns, or so the left would have you believe. In fact the CDC has dropped gun deaths (homicides) off of the top 15 causes of death in the US, lets look at the numbers. I used the 2010 census for population totals because the data available for the death rate is as of 2010.

United States Population (from US Census Bureau 2010 data): 308,745,538

Number of deaths in the US (2010 data latest available): 2,465,936

So the number of people that died in 2010 is .80% of the total population, less then 1%. Now lets look at the numbers of homicides in the US for 2010. These numbers are from the CDC (Center for Disease Control), part of the US Government.

2010 Homicides: 16,065

2010 Homicides by discharge of a firearm: 11,015

2010 Homicides by other means: 5,050

Of the 16,065 homicides in 2010 approximately two-thirds of them were with firearms, do the math and you find that of the 2,465,936 deaths in 2010, 0.45% were from guns. That is less then one-half of one percent, that does not sound like an epidemic to me!

When you consider there was 35,080 deaths caused by motor vehicles, more then double the number caused by guns. I guess we need better car control, where is the left on that?

So this brings us to the question of the AR-15 and similar rifles, the scary black assault weapons, the Websters dictionary on my desk next to me from 1987 does not even list an assault weapon. Yet the AR-15 they keep calling an assault weapon has been in production since 1963. The term is used by anti-gun groups and politicians to scare people. The only difference between a hunting rifle of a certain caliber and it’s so called scary looking brother are cosmetic parts.

Of the 11,015 deaths by firearms in 2010, the FBI statistics shows 367 deaths by rifles. This number includes all of the scary “assault weapons” that may have been used. More deaths can be attributed to knives (1732), blunt objects (549) or even the human body using fists, feet, etc… (769) in 2010 according to the FBI.

We keep hearing from the anti-gun crowd about needing more background checks. Every person that goes to a licensed gun dealer already goes through a background check, it’s already federal law. I know from personal experience, I have gone through a background check for every firearm I have bought. I have never bought a gun at a gun show, I have met people that have, and many of them went through a background check also. I am not saying there are no loop holes to be be exploited, but most criminals have avenues far from any legal means to purchase from. The additional cost of buying “on the street” doesn’t really bother them, it’s just a little less drug profits for them. Maybe the liberals have not noticed but breaking the law is what they do, more laws will not suddenly give them an epiphany and make them change their ways!


The Second Amendment is about being able to protect ourselves, even if that is to protect ourselves from a government out of control. The founding fathers understood that under the wrong circumstances that could become a reality. The push for gun control is about people control, not guns. There are those inside and outside of the US Government who want to control us, as long as we are an armed populace they understand they can’t do that.


This is Sad!

A life wasted for no reason but the lunacy of another psycho muslim convert. Cpl. Nathan Cirillo is the Canadian soldier killed yesterday standing guard at the Ottawa National War Memorial. Here are two pictures that were shared online of his dogs waiting for daddy to come home. Young children and pets don’t understand, and you can’t explain to a dog what has happened, they wonder if they did something wrong to make daddy mad at them. It’s heart breaking, our pets give us unconditional love…

I just wanted to share this because it touched me, I have had dogs that waited at the door for me to come home, I understand.

dogs 1

Photo by Molly Hayes, Hamilton Spectator

Photo by Peter Power, The Canadian Press

Photo by Peter Power, The Canadian Press