Monthly Archives: August 2013

WTF! Where to start?

I’m ready to get back into daily blogging finally, I find my self sitting here and wondering where to start.

Do I talk about all the damage obama is doing spending as much money as he can on anything he can to help break the country? (Cloward and Piven on steroids)

Or do I bring up the regulations his EPA is using to try and kill coal production and use in America. Causing power plants to shut down and hike our utility bills beyond reality. Not to mention the damage electrical shortages would have on our production and readiness in a time of war.

Or the common core his useless department of education is pushing on the states, and using blackmail to get it done. While dumbing down society even further.

Maybe I could touch on how he is decimating the moral in the U.S. Armed Forces, and trying to get the most qualified and patriotic to quit.

Or maybe I could write an article about the unemployment rate that will not drop because of his policies, or should I say lack of policies.

Or maybe the Prism program where he spies illegally on all of America.

Or illegal immigration, he seems to support criminals, unless they are white and conservative.

Or Benghazi…….

Fast and furious…..

The list of topics to pick from about how obama is killing American seems to go on and on.

So let’s look at the list of good things obama has done to help Americans.

ummm, er, hmmm……..

Ok maybe not, I can’t find any right now. I’ll give it some thought and try again.


A Different Reality

Through many hours of reading, research and looking at my own experiences I have come to a different conclusion then I expected to. I have come to realize most of the problems in the black community cannot be solved by anyone but the black community.

With a high school drop-out rate near 50% in most inner city schools for black children, who can change that? The parents of the children in that community are the ones that have the largest chance to make a difference. Let me point out also that those very parents are the ones that are responsible for their children. Society can offer an education to these children, but the parents must support their children’s pursuit of it. My mother raised 5 of us kids on her own, she spent many hours working to support us. But the difference is she always pushed us to get a good education and do our homework, etc…

Approximately 70% of children in the inner city are born out of wedlock. As someone who lived the experience of a single parent family, I can tell you that it changes everything in your life. Each parent contributes something different to your development and growth through your life. Even a caring and supportive parent like my mother could only make up for some of what was missing in my life.

Look at the level of crime in the inner city, the drugs, the gangs and most importantly the murder rates. Some of this can be blamed on the lack of opportunities. What is the real root cause though? Common sense would tell us that the lack of fathers in the home, and a lack of education almost certainly have a huge impact on the community. What options would you feel that you have growing up with the feeling no one really cares about you. And you are not pushed to get an education, which is your one real ticket out.

You now have several generations of people in the black community that are raising children who themselves came from a broken home or did not get a good education, or both. The leaders in the black community have to stand up and be honest about the issues facing the community. The causes and the solutions are both beyond the control of those outside of the community.

I have met very few white people that are actually prejudiced. Many I have known have held a low opinion of the black community. They did not have any outright hatred towards black people though, as the liberal media would have you believe. Consider the reason for this, what exposure do many in the white community have to black people. What do they see on the news, which for some is the only knowledge they have about the situation.

One group of people that had a chance to possibly have an impact on the situation is the main stream media. For reasons we can only speculate on they have chosen to report a different narrative then the reality that exists. Instead of helping to bring the issues into focus for everyone to try and understand, they have put their own spin on it. Or in many cases ignored the reality all together. We can only speculate that they are helping the liberals to keep the black community where they are currently. For no logical reason the black community seems to stand behind the democrats and liberals no matter the cost to them.

Until the black community takes more control over their own lives and futures nothing will change for them. An important first step would be to stop being the black community and start being Americans again. It appears from the outside that black people are going out of their way to purposefully be as different from white people as they can. When I was younger (back in the 60’s and 70’s) the two cultures did not seem that different, we had shared values and ideas. Today it seems we can’t find any common ground to even use to start a dialogue between ourselves.