Monthly Archives: July 2013

More White Kids Must Die!

More white kids must die before we understand racism! This was uttered by a college professor at Georgetown University. Michael Eric Dyson, who is a professor of Sociology who has written and edited 18 books and teaches young adults, yet he does not understand racism. I have question his ability to teach effectively if he, with all of his education does not understand racism.

Ever since the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial was announced many people in the black community seem to have made the case all about race. Even before the trial was over it was clear from the social media and many articles authored by black people that everything to them is about race.

I have never been prejudiced myself, and never had this white rage I kept hearing about, until recently that is. I do now feel a certain amount of white rage directed at the black community. Why you ask? I had to ask myself that very question when I realized I was getting angry. So let’s look at what I found out about my anger when I looked at it close.

The first thing I realized about my anger was it did not just happen overnight, it has been building for about a year I guess. I am not sure when it started exactly or what specifically caused it either. I think it was a combination of factors, the constant stream of misinformation and or outright lies from the main stream media played a large role. Another major factor was looking at the reality I seemed to see, and how it differed so much from that of others in society.

Some of my ideas and feelings seem to stem from racial issues I have, or so I thought at times. But looking at the reality and the facts and seeing what is there from an honest point does not make me a racist, but a realist. It saddens me in some ways to write this article because it makes me realize how far we have fallen and stepped backwards in race relations in America.

I am sure if many read this article some will accuse me of being a racist based on some of the content that will be included. The shame is I have realized there are many out there that seem to feel I am racist simply because I am white. Those are the people that are truly racist but don’t have the strength to be honest with themselves or the ability to see the truth even with the facts laid bare before them.

Please come back for part two “The Fallout”.

Now it’s Civil rights violation

The verdict is in on the George Zimmerman trial, and the fist thing the NAACP does is call for the DOJ to press charges for civil rights violation against Zimmerman because the verdict was not what they wanted. Where are they on pressing charges against all the people in Chicago that have killed young black kids? I guess their lives don’t matter because they were killed by other black people! I guess it’s only a real crime if a white person killed them! When are we going to have a real life real time discussion on the issue? It really pisses me off that the media and many in society feel that I can’t care about the lives of young children in many of the urban centers of this country because their skin color and mine are not the same! With each day I become more disgusted with the people known as Americans!

Enough All-ready

I have seen enough pain and death up close already. Too many don’t understand until it touches their life directly what it is really about, how final and life changing it is. I have been trying to tell everyone for years how being black and white is hurting us as a society and as individuals.

No matter what your skin color your dreams and hopes and feelings follow the same path, too many let those around them convince them that pigmentation is a deciding factor in their reality. Many, before they have a chance to realize who they really are or can become, fall prey to the past and let it blind them to the reality of what can be. They give up on their future without a fight, and accept the status quo of yesterday, effectively blinding themselves to tomorrow!

Where to Start

It’s going to take a lot of work to create what I wish to create. What exactly am I trying to create you wonder. Some articles that can present in a way the situation as it stands on race relations in America. No one will address the topic, and I thought I did not understand why, but I think it is because people don’t want to accept responsibility for their own actions. They are un-willing to see or admit they are part of the problem.

While I work on these articles I will present articles from around the web on the subject.

Here is one that has me asking why the main stream media has completely ignored the story. I am guessing because it does not fit the narrative they wish to project. The volume of black on white crime is staggering in respect to the white on black crime rate. So you would think stories like this would be important. The media went out of their way to call George Zimmerman a “white-hispanic”, a term I have never heard in my 50+ years of being alive. They had to call him that to fit him into the narrative about the black people always being the victim no matter the circumstances. They can’t spin these four young men into the victim category so they simply ignore the story and the realities it presents.

Here is the link from CBS Atlanta, any mention of race scrubbed from the tiny article they bothered to post.

Here is an actual informative article on the whole story.

Returning for good I hope

It looks like I am going to be posting again, my health issues are not resolved. In some ways they have actually gotten worse.

But with everything going on I feel that I need to push through the pain and problems and start posting daily.

What especially concerns me right now is the threat of possible riots because of the George Zimmerman trial. I as an average person have put a lot of effort through out my life trying to understand the issues between the black and white communities.  I have never been prejudiced, but in all honesty I am getting to the point where I am having a hard time trying to support the black community anymore.

My posts for the next few weeks  are going to look at the situation that has been created in America by the race hustlers and race pimps like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, etc…

I will once again state the obvious, well obvious to me at least, that I have been saying for many years now. The racial issues will never go away until we stop being black and white, and start being Americans first, and people first. I served in the military with many people of all nationalities and backgrounds. I have had friends whom I socialized and partied with, and broke bread with and crashed at their houses, who were black, mexican, etc…

Most of my life the majority of white people I have known did not really care what color your skin was. I am starting to see attitudes change though, many people (myself included) are sick of the situation. Many are sick of being told they are racist because they see to many in the black community crying victim, yet doing nothing to help themselves or their community to change.

My posts will make the points in detail that I am generalizing about here.  I am just sick and tired of all the whining from both sides, we are all at fault in some ways for the situation being what it is. Until people stand up as individuals and accept responsibility for themselves and stop coming up with excuses the situation will only get worse, as it clearly appears to be doing.