Monthly Archives: June 2013

Stop Opening the Door for Terror to Enter!

Boehner calls NSA leaker a traitor! The traitors are the people that put this program into operation!!!!! The power hungry children, I call them that because they have not the means to control their emotional maturity enough to overcome their own wants and needs. Telling us these programs are needed to combat a threat of terrorism, a threat the president was just recently telling us was gone. So which is it?

Look around the world, you don’t even need to be educated to see who the terrorists are. They are all muslims! Common sense would tell us then to stop letting muslims into our country if they are the threat. But our so called leaders are accelerating the numbers of muslims coming in to America. It is as though they want a constant threat to hold over our heads as an excuse to continue to erode our rights and freedoms.

Exercise a little common sense here and ask yourself about the situation. If all the people doing this are muslims then you only need to monitor them for the most part. And the court would surely authorize wiretaps and such as needed for the individual situation. So why the need for everything the current government is doing? If you are stupid enough to believe they don’t have their own motives with everything that has come out, you truly are stupid. I am not going to ask when Americans are going to wake up, I have been asking that for 20 years or more, I’m done asking. I am not done trying to fulfill my responsibility as an American, but I am waiting for the majority to start fulfilling theirs!

I’m Confused about this Constitution thingy

I was sitting here daydreaming and I came up with a great idea. Why don’t we write a document that would protect our right to free speech, so you could like tell people about the things you believe in without getting into trouble for it.

And then I thought about taking it a step further and adding in something about being able to have guns for protection and stuff like that. Without having to worry about the government trying to take them away.

Ok so now I am on a roll and I think what the hell, let’s add something that would allow me to practice my religion, and maybe be free of searches by the government for no reason. I thought cool I am really on to something here, awesome!

Then my neighbor tells me we already have just what I am talking about, it’s called the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, I was confused! So I looked him straight in the eye and asked him “if we already got that how come the government doesn’t know anything about it”? He just sat there looking at me cause he had no answer for that. I finally stumped that dam right wing, Tea party, gun lovin Christian, bout dam time!