Monthly Archives: April 2013

A Matter of Politics?

I wrote this on my facebook wall, that is the wall I am referring to in the first sentence.
I post a lot of political stuff (the majority of my posts are) on my wall, I know some people don’t like it. You have to understand the reason I do is because I truly care about America and I honestly believe many of the people in office and the government intend harm to our country and our rights and freedoms. You can connect the dots if you truly wish to, simply by doing some real reading and research with an open mind as a citizen and not a democrat or republican. Both parties have serious issues or we would not be $16,000,000,000 in debt and borrowing money everyday just to operate.

Ask yourself why healthcare premiums are starting to skyrocket with obamacare, we were told the opposite would happen. So what was the agenda behind passing a bill like this without even reading it. And obviously it was written before obama even took office, that many pages of extremely detailed plans and objectives was not written in a few weeks or even a few months.

What about the economy and the unemployment rate that has remained basically unchanged. Why are many government agencies like the EPA, FDA, DOE, etc… continue to institute regulations that are hurting business and employment growth at a time like this. Yes there are environmental and social issues that have to be considered, but let us grow the economy and get people back to work paying taxes. We can work together and phase in changes if both sides would learn the word compromise and apply some common sense to these issues.

And no one wants to address the racial issues in America, so the politicians with the help of the media continue to exploit it for their own agenda. The black community has to realize that many of the issues in their community have to be addressed within the community. The out off wedlock birth rates, high school graduation rates and black on black crime cannot be legislated out of existence. Personal action is required as individuals within the community to combat much of this. People both black and white need to be Americans first not black and white, wake up everyone!

I can go on and on with many more issues and problems, I will leave it here and just ask everyone to start thinking for themselves and search out the truth. Put aside your preconceived ideas and read what is there without your filter in the on position. I have always believed being an American came with some responsibility, people accepting that responsibility made us the greatest county on earth. We are sinking because too many no longer will work for the good of the community or country. Why do we accept the lies and lack of accountability by those in charge? Until we answer that question the American Spirit and our freedoms will continue to disappear slowly until they no longer exist!

How long will we be Silent?

This is disgusting that this could even happen in America! Everyday I become more ashamed to be an american. How long are we going to sit by silently and let the little whiny pussy bitches take over our country? If my posts seem to be getting more angry it is because I for one am feed up with the joke most americans have become, grow a set and learn to stand up for your rights and freedoms and what is right!!!!!!

Close the Border Fools

F**k immigration reform, secure the border NOW, is everyone in Washington a complete moron. The number of criminals crossing the border has doubled now that they are talking about reform. And the moron in charge in the white house ” is waiting for the Senate to produce an immigration reform bill, “because that allows the best opportunity for legislation to become law, legislation that fits the principles the president’s put forward,” Jay Carney stated.
F**k obama’s principles, our country established the principles for America over 200 years ago, how about we follow those principles. I wish we would pass some voter minimum intelligence legislation, that would stop more then half the voters out there from helping to ruin America. That would never pass though, the democrats would fight it on the basis that it deprives all of their party members their constitutional right to be stupid. And the democratic and republican politicians would say it violates their rights to lie to and use people.

Considering the current economic situation of our country we should stop all immigration PERIOD, a complete freeze until we can get our house in order. It is already proven that illegal (criminals) immigrants are costing us countless amounts of money we don’t have to spend. The biggest problem is our politicians are not worried about America or Americans, only themselves. They won’t stop lying to us, but we can stop lying to ourselves can’t we?