Monthly Archives: February 2013

Morons and Gun Control

You have to read this story, can this woman get any stupider? Either she is a permanent victim or getting paid to protest. Either way I won’t let morons like this take away any of my rights.

Going to Enjoy Some Tea

I just joined the 912 group and Tea New York in my area. I am going to my first meeting this Friday. I am looking forward to meeting others who still believe in Freedom and Rights. I wish I had found these groups sooner, but better late then never.

Start the Indoctrination Sooner

The anti American administration wants to put all children in to pre-school daycare. We have to ask ourselves why, for what purpose or to what end? Can anyone give me a logical reason of how this benefits our society?

We are broke and borrowing money everyday because the government is clueless, now they want to spend an additional $200,000,000 on universal pre-school for all American children under five. This administration does nothing unless it hurts America somehow, so what is their motivation behind this? Is it to dumb down our children starting at a younger age, with more years for indoctrination?

The $8,000,000,000 head start program is a failure and they want to expand it to all children. Can we find any logic behind this? Check out this article from CNS News about the failure of head start.


Obama, The Greatest Liar

There are days I won’t even get online and read the news because I get so sick of the same tired crap. Many days the news is just the same shit as yesterday. The one thing I have found in the news to be consistent more then anything though is Obama’s lies. Each day I do read the news I find another lie from him. How does this piece of human waste get up and look in the mirror every morning? How do the so called reporters that lie about him everyday look in the mirror? Talk about a case of mass delusion. We know the democrats are useless pieces of shit, but when are the republicans going to get off their ass and act like men and women instead of democrats?

Why keep lying to ourselves?

I would like to post an article about the important issues, instead I am writing this article. The reason is because no matter what the issues are or how they affect us, if we don’t get involved nothing changes. In fact the problems will only grow with time.

A big part of the reason I have not been posting a lot is because I got a little down about the total lack of concern in our country, for our country. Spending somewhere between 2 and 8 hours researching and writing an article is something you do because you are being paid to do it. Or in my case I want to do it because I care about the state of America, and hope to affect positive change for our future.

The problem is no one seems to care to do anything more then talk shit about what’s wrong! After 20+ years of trying to get people more involved I have reached the point where I don’t know what to do anymore. I can either keep lying to myself and continue thinking America is full of people who love their country. Or I can face the reality that we have become a bunch of self-centered, clueless whiners who can’t be bothered unless they see something in it for them. They apparently don’t understand that protecting their rights and freedoms is something that you can’t put a monetary value on.

A friend of mine asked me the other day about how he could get involved or do something himself. I explained to him that it sounds very simple to do. You find people that want to get involved, you get together with each other and decide what you believe in as a group. Then you set goals of what you wish to accomplish and what actions are required to do that. Needless to say he lost interest when he realized it would require a commitment on his part of time and effort.

So at this point I am considering preparations for when society collapses, as it certainly will with our current level of commitment to talking about the issues.

Liberal Nut Job Alert

You have to check out this article, this lady is out there someplace, I’m not sure where but someplace.

Unions Slump

I wanted to share this article from, I found it very interesting. I will admit I have been anti-union my whole adult life so I am biased on the subject. Back in the middle 80’s I was working as a commercial/industrial electrician for a small company with only 5 employees. We were on a large project working alongside a larger union company with around 40 people on the project. At the end of the project we were tasked with going back and fixing all of the issues that needed to be taken care of. The reason we were doing it and not the large union company was because the majority of the issues were caused by poor quality workmanship from the union workers.

So here we are, 5 guys that learned OJT (on the job training) how to be electricians had to fix all of the mistakes made by the school trained union electricians. This is only one of the experiences I have had dealing with union workers in my 20+ years in the construction trades. I can tell you pretty much all of them have gone the same way though.

That is not the only reason I don’t like unions though, my biggest issues is what kind of man or woman needs someone else to speak for them! My job performance and skills speak for me loud and clear at raise time, and I have never failed to get the raise when asked!

My biggest issue though and it is mentioned in the article has to do with our education system and how the unions have wrecked it completely from a financial point. And their lib friends (unionized teachers) have wrecked it from an educational point.

Enough of my rambling here is the link to the article:

Letter from a Lib

You have to read this letter from a liberal that was sent to the Carteret County News-Times. It really scares me that someone with such little grasp on reality gets to vote in actual elections in this country.

Beaufort, N.C.

Jan. 17, 2013


Republicans and “so-called” conservatives are at it again. They are claiming that the Constitution gives people the right to have guns without the permission of the government. If that were true, then how could New York and Chicago have laws against it?

We Democrats are sick and tired of Republicans constantly using the Constitution to cover up their true plans, which are to make us all afraid of everyone else. Our great president came from a civilized part of the country where there is strict gun control, and he is only trying to bring the benefits of that more modern way of living to the rest of us. I don’t know the exact statistics, but I’m quite certain that Chicago is a lot safer that Morehead City, when it comes to gun violence.

But do Republicans and conservatives listen to the voice of reason? No, of course not. All they want to do is whine and complain about how gun control and wealth redistribution violate the Constitution, as if the Constitution were all that great, anyway. There are a lot of things that need to be changed about the Constitution, I’d say, and President Obama needs to change it.

The Republicans are just trying to stand in the way, because the president is black. They even dared to question whether he was born in this country. I think all this demonstrates that the Constitution needs to be amended when it comes to the qualifications for being president. Right now, it says that a person has to be 35 years old and be a natural born citizen. Well, that is obviously unfair because there are a great many otherwise qualified people who cannot run for president because their mothers had to have a C-section.  But because the Constitution was written a hundred years ago, nobody even thought of the discrimination that would result from a doctor having to deliver a baby in this unnatural way. Now that we Democrats are in control of the government, that’s just one more thing we should change in our drive to make life fair.

Please withhold my name because I don’t want to get crank calls.

Still Standing, so stop Standing Still

Our society is still standing for now, but if we continue to stand still as we are that will change. I am not saying no one is getting involved, but too few seem to be stepping forward into the fray. Too many of us are content to sit behind our little window on the world (your monitor) and share our little pictures and stories and feel like we are doing something.
The time for action has already passed and still we do nothing real to re-claim our rights and our country! We don’t have time, it’s inconvenient right now, let me check my calendar.
Consider the executive orders that obama has passed, the NDAA, recently passed and pending legislation, with who knows what is coming in the future. Consider the weapons and ammunition purchases by the federal government, more ammo than the military used in Iraq to fight a war! The executive orders obama has signed gives the federal government control over all of the infrastructure in the country under martial law. Communications, utilities, food, transportation, they even gave themselves the right to come to your house and take what you need for your families safety and survival.
I am not advocating violence, what I am telling you is that without organizing and getting real about our commitment the violence will be brought to your doorstep. And the government has set themselves up so they can prevent you from fighting the violence against you and your family. If we want to avoid Americans killing Americans we can’t wait any longer to stand up and be counted.
When the shit hits the fan, not if but when, what will you do? I used to think if the shit hits the fan, now I think when! I realize there are people out there actively trying to set us up for it. Ask yourself, would other countries attack us if that happens? Will obama call in UN Troops to help him, in a heartbeat he will. So our best option is to not allow it to get to that point. So every true American that cares has to get involved, create local groups, educate each other, march in protest. We need to write, call, fax and email our representatives daily if that’s what it takes.
We have a choice to either make time now to do what needs to be done to save ourselves, or spend time later living in our nightmares!

Conservative Community…Finally

I got side-tracked checking out a new website, it’s called “Tea Party Community”. Been there setting up my profile and meeting new people, every conservative minded American should check it out (no trolls please).

Tea Party Community

I like facebook to a point, but I find I spend too much time fighting with the no and low information voters out there.

The people on the left have given up on civility quite a while ago, but are the first to scream at the right for doing that. I believe they think if they scream loud enough about the alleged infractions by the right no one will notice they have not made any real points or presented any real facts. And the subject does not matter, when they do have facts they are doctored so bad they need life support.

In keeping with the tactics of the left, I have abandoned civility also (within reason), There are depths I will not sink to though, I won’t demean myself for an agenda.

So it will be nice to have a conservative site I can visit and enjoy some facts, the great thing about truth and facts is you can never under-cook them, over-cook them and they never spoil. Well… maybe they do spoil, they help spoil the lefts recipes for rainbows and unicorns.