Monthly Archives: December 2012

Happy New Year

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year celebration and stays safe!

With the new year beginning I hope to be posting more then I have been, personal issues have limited my time.

I have realized that there are many forces moving in America that are not to the benefit of “We the People”. Many politicians on both sides of the isle either doing things to harm us, or simply not doing anything to stop those that are.

The most important thing I have come to understand is that we ended up in the position we are because, “We the People” refuse to get involved in our own political system. We cannot just vote and forget about every thing until the next election, too many out there realize that many Americans do exactly that. And by using their propaganda machines (social media, news media) to convince low information (stupid people) voters, the system is broken.

Unfortunately I do believe we will experience some type of physical conflict in America in the near future, my hope is that I am wrong about that. With the failure of either political party willing to do anything real for the country, and the people sitting silently on the sidelines, trouble is coming.

Our future is up to us, will we rise to the occasion? Will we accept the facts that many are blind to? Will we put aside our emotions and use common sense and intelligence? Time is no longer on our side, it is time to stand up, or stand down. I for one plan on standing up!

Toure, Who?

I have to admit I don’t pay any attention to this guy, it’s nothing personal I just don’t watch MSNBC. And I also don’t pay much attention to people that base everything on race, which seems to be one of his claims to fame.

The reason I became curious was because of a news article about his review of the new movie “Django Unchained”. Apparently he makes the statement “If murder can ever be morally justified by the presence of clear, undiluted, sustained evil”. I am not even going to go into the implications of that question here, we could dedicate hundreds of pages and thousands of hours in addressing that statement.

I did become curious about who this guy is, who feels the need to only use one name. Is he ashamed of his last name, his family or their history? Turns out he grew up in Randolph, Mass, a predominantly white community south of Boston. He attended prep-schools, which included Milton Academy, listed by Forbes as one of the top 20 (number 16) prep schools in the nation. He later attended Emory University, rated number 20 by U.S. News & World Report in their annual “Best Colleges” report. He pledged a white fraternity, dated white girls and played tennis (the favorite sport in the black community).

So far he sounds like the epitome of the black experience growing up doesn’t he? The reason I say this is because of a statement on his blog where he says:
“Part of my job when I speak about politics is to speak up for black people and say things black people need said.” So did the black community pick him as a spokes person or did appoint himself?

It does seem that he insults the intelligence of many of us simply because of his own inability to become more evolved mentally and emotionally. I say this based on a statement made by him on his blog.

He says:
“I cannot be seen through a color-blind lens and do not wish to be. Race is an important factor of who I am and how I am perceived, which is the case for all human beings, at least in America. And pretending not to see race doesn’t mean you don’t see it.”

So I guess those of us that accept everyone for who they are and don’t judge people by skin color are either:

  • lying to ourselves about our own perceptions of people
  • or pretending we don’t see race

His first piece of fiction writing was about a black man who loses his ability to see white people. He is incapable of separating people from their skin color, so in his mind the rest of us are also.

According to him there’s no black standard to live up to, and never really was. If that is so, why then does he and other blacks in the media put down people like Herman Cain, Allen West, Stacy Dash, etc…

If there is no black standard, they being different in politics or personal views should be acceptable, after all they are still black.

Let’s look at also the typical black neighbor he lives in, Fort Greene, Brooklyn. A small one or two bedroom co-op will cost around $300,000 to $900,000, townhouses range from $1,500,000 to over $2,000,000! For us poor people that can’t afford to buy, a studio can be rented starting at $1,600 a month.

I am glad I looked into this, now I can see why the black community has him as a spokes person. From his past and present life you can see how he can be so in touch with life on the streets.

If we are going to solve the issues we have in America we need to all work together. If we want to hear about what people think will help the black community they maybe we should be asking local leaders in that community. I think they might have a much better idea then someone like Toure how to make a difference!

Stop Talking to Blacks like they are Children

I wanted to share this article from Larry Elder, published on The Daily Caller. I have read other articles from him in the past, every one worth reading.

The article is four short pages and very much worth reading. Here is the link:

Target Acquired

Hopefully the gun control people will look at the facts and statistics and we can move on to other issues that need addressing more.

I had to point out the stupidity of this guy though, I don’t read the Huff Post, this article was pointed out to me.  I have to believe this guy gave no serious thought to the overall consequences of the actions he is condoning, that or he is very naive and foolish. He is a professor at George Washington University and a sociologist, nuff said! The next paragraph is a quote from his article.

“We should not wait for our elected officials, in President Obama’s good words, “to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.” We should do our share. One way to proceed is to mark our homes, apartments and condos, with a “gun free” sign. Parents should notify their friends that they would be reluctant to send their child over for a play date unless the home was safe from guns. Residential communities should pass rules that ban bringing guns onto their premises, clearly marking them as gun free.

Anyone who puts up such signs will become an ambassador for gun control, because they are sure to be challenged by gun advocates to explain their anti-gun positions.”

People putting these “gun free zone” signs on their house will not become ambassadors for gun control. What they will become is a target for thieves or worse (armed home invasion).

Even if you hate guns and are a gun control advocate, please do yourself a favor and don’t be foolish enough to follow this mans advice. I can imagine local criminals even sharing information on where these gun free homes are.

If you don’t like guns, that’s fine with me. What I am not fine with is you using your 1st amendment rights to try and take my 2nd amendment rights away. I don’t question your right to freedom of speech even if I find some of what you say offensive. Even without my right to bear arms guaranteed by the Constitution, I still firmly believe that I have a natural right to protect mine and my families lives. And the right to do that as effectively as possible, if an AR-15 is the most effective method, then I have the right to own it.

Instead of trying to pull the heart strings with all of your rhetoric about gun control, think about putting that effort into a call for better mental health care in America. Limiting my rights won’t stop a sick person from getting a firearm, they can steal it or buy one on the streets. There is already a black market in firearms (mostly handguns) on the streets of every major city in America. More gun control equals higher street prices for a stolen gun, that’s all. Drug dealers and criminals don’t quibble about price to begin with I don’t think.

Less then 1/2 of 1% (.45%, 2010 data) of all deaths in the United States each year is from a firearm (by homicide).

If the left is so concerned, why are they not asking the main stream media why they don’t do their job properly. Why they don’t report more on the high death rate among young black kids in most inner cities?

I understand why! Because they would be forced to deal with a situation they help to create and nurture. And these deaths don’t help their narrative on gun control!

A little Self Defense Reality

In India the government has banned gatherings of more then 5 people for now, the reason is because of the protests. The protests were sparked by the rape of a 23 year old woman on a bus. New Delhi has a rape reported once every 18 hours, and they say most sex crimes are not even reported, which means the frequency is much worse then that. New Delhi only has a population of 250,000 people, gun laws in India do allow for gun ownership, but the government makes a permit so hard to get. And the cost of a gun so prohibitive almost no civilian owns one, gun control through simple regulation.

The reason I bring this up is because this is what will happen in the United States, but on a larger scale in our major cities if we allow the liberals and socialists in the government to mess with the 2nd amendment.

Look around the world, and ask yourself if the horrors you see there are what we want for our country. Our gun rights are one of the major factors that actually helps us to remain more civilized!

Adam’s Anchor

We all wonder what was going through Adam Lanza’s mind for him to commit something like he did.

In today’s society we don’t raise children like we used to. We don’t build strength of character, we worry about self image. Get in line for your trophy kids because you have all participated so well.

Not every child wants to be the same, the smart ones realize they are smarter, they want to excel. They don’t want to be dumbed down so other children don’t get their feelings hurt. So we hurt their self esteem by telling them they don’t deserve to be smarter, being smarter is bad for everyone. Most children are smart enough to see that they are not all the same.

We tell all the children that whatever they think or feel is ok, it’s normal. So the child getting picked on and abused for being different has the bad thoughts reinforced by the system. They sit in their bedroom or family room wishing the people in the video game they are killing are people that make them feel bad. They watch movie after movie and TV show after TV show full of murder, many times the hero being the one to cause it all.

The kid does not realize that society has taken away many of the things that their parents had as children. Things that teach morals and values and build character, things that teach one the importance of life.

They just keep getting bombarded with the same messages, it ok to be whoever you want to be. Being yourself is the most important thing, society is wrong. Pleasing yourself is what matters most. But in school all day there are told to be just like everyone else so no gets their feelings hurt. Talk about a mixed message to screw up a developing mind!

They get out of school and into the real world and find themselves completely lost now. They were never prepared for the real world, it’s message is totally different then what they were told.

And those few that are damaged or really fragile like Adam might have been, had his mother as his anchor through all of this. She is probably what keep him going on a some what stable course. Then he found out she might be trying to have him committed. For his benefit and hers, she needed to have hope he could change with the right help.

All he might have seen in this, his bright spot, his anchor, giving up on him and leaving him in the dark to sink.

We are leaving a lot of children without any anchor in our society. We don’t give them any identity anymore. We teach them not to be proud Americans, or believe in God, or even believe in their own parents.

We used to teach children to believe and achieve, now it is wrong to believe in yourself and to achieve as much as you can.

Now the lesson is to deceive and relieve, deceive to get what you want if necessary, and relieve yourself of all guilt, because everything you think and feel is ok.

FBI Tells The Truth

I wish we could move on to something else, but the obama-bots in the media are on agenda instead of the news. So I thought I would share this chart from the FBI, it shows you the cause of death by state and weapon for 2010. Will the MSM now call the government a bunch of liars, just to support a position of deception?

Here is the chart link.


Die Young?

I just read an article about a son called “Die Young” by Ke$ha. I have never heard the song. What caught my interest was the fact that many radio stations were stopping playing the song. The logic is that the song is in-appropriate considering what happened in Newtown, CT. I looked up the lyrics for the song and read them.

I would have to say the lyrics were in-appropriate before the tragedy happened. But the liberal left, especially in the entertainment industry seem to find nothing offensive anymore as long it fills their pockets.

We need YOU!

One of the biggest problems we have is too many people still don’t understand that our system of government is a republic, not a democracy. It is the rule of law of that republic that guarantees us our individual rights. In a democracy the majority rules, and can take your rights away with a simple vote. Over time the politicians on both the left and the right have been weakening our rights through legislation. Also, activist judges have been doing a lot of damage to our rights by legislating from the bench.

We are slowing drifting toward a democracy, is this what we want? There are no benefits to us as citizens in a democracy, we would lose many of the rights and freedoms. Some of us cherish those rights and some take them for granted, if they were lost though we would all suddenly realize how important they were.

The democratic party has been over-run with libs and socialists it seems, and the republican party with big government rinos. We need to realize you can’t just vote and stop there if you want real change to come back to America. We need to put new leadership in at all levels of government, and let them know we won’t take their shit anymore, remind them they work for us!

Sick of the two of you

Sick of the two of you


We also have to realize we need to reduce the size of government at all levels also, we will never get our deficit under control without making that a priority. The most important thing we need to do right now is to create jobs. Jobs create revenue to run the country, support our families, etc… We have record spending on social programs, $59,000 plus on each family (2011 figures) receiving these services. We could have given them a check for that and accomplished more then we do with the current system. But we cannot move people off of these services if there are no jobs, that is how got in this mess, a lack of opportunities.

There are no easy answers, and many people are going to hate the solutions that will be required to pay down our debt, or we end up like Europe. We need to stop thinking like democrats and republicans, and start thinking like Americans! Would you prefer to be part of the problem or part of the solution?

No One In America Responsible for Anything

The report was released by the Accountability Review Board on responsibility for the deaths in Benghazi, of course if the law did not require it this board would not have even met. This boards members were selected by Hillary herself, no conflict of interest there at all. That is almost the equivalent of you or I getting to pick the jury at our own trial.

And surprise, surprise no one in the administration was found to be responsible for any wrong doing in any way shape or form.

They conveniently placed all of the blame on the the people that fired the weapons against the embassy. Are these morons for real, how the F**k did they get a high level job in the government. Of course the people firing the weapons are directly responsible for the deaths.

The point of the investigation is to find out why we did not have proper security to begin with. Also to determine why the people on the ground there were ignored when they requested additional security. Why we did not have adequate intelligence prior to the attack. Why our citizens were not properly supported or removed when the situation escalated.

The report is available online, and I will admit I did not read the whole report. I got disgusted and angry after reading about half the report. They took 39 pages to ramble on with bullshit to make it seem like they actually did something to justify the board even meeting.

The only thing that disgusts me more then the democrats and republicans in Washington right now, is the American people who sit by idle every day and refuse to do anything for their own country.

He is the link to the report (PDF) for anyone who wants to read it.